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Full Version: Nput on da Tree Lounge
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got da catalog n vidieo from Tree Lounge da other day...look`s like a jam up tree stand...any of U feller`s out there that hav 1 and what ya think bout it....Bsafe!...C-Ya!....<br><br>
Hello Chris,<br>I have heard good things about it but have never actually used one. I got the older video (isn't it called "Tree Lounge Trophies?) a few years back and it had some awesome footage. I saw an ad a while ago that said the new video a had something like 50+ hunts, is that right? If they improved on the old video I imagine the new one is awesome! If you do end up getting a Tree Lounge let us know how it works for you.<br><br>[laugh] How about a good laugh?<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A> <br><br>Mike H
this 1 is called The Tree Lounge Advantage 3......<br>it`s got SUM huntin vidieo.....most of them r quik shot`s of the deer r whatever go`n down....there is 1 that Dean Durham shoot`s a big bull elk that i like...U kin actually C the bullet travel n hit the elk....i doubt i git 1 this year...i`m gonna hav`ta save my penny`s 4 next year....the gun hunter special goes 4 $325....unless ol saint nick brings me 1......Bsafe!.......C-Ya!....<br><br>
Haven't seen that one, is it all funny hunting clips? That would be classic, hunting bloopers! It's pretty funny some of the things that can happen on a trip. <br><br>Did you ever see the footage of the buck wrestling the bow hunter? No kidding, it was on one of the network shows, I heard later that it was a hoax, but from the hurtin that buck looked like he was inflicting on this guy, I can't imagine it was fake. The only thing I could think watching this was, I know one camera man that would be in a world of hurt after I recovered if that was me!<br><br>[laugh] How about a good laugh?<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A> <br><br>Mike H


The video in question was a true event. It was filmed by the guy's wife, much to her astonishment and fear. She was instructed by her husband not to stop filming. The Mule Deer had been attracted to the "buck scent" the foolish man had applied to his clothing. If the buck had been in hard antler, he might have gored the man to death. However, the deer was still in velvet and only pounded the man with his hooves. Some Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
Hello Ghost,<br>The version I saw was cut short, did he end up at least getting some venison out of the deal?<br><br>[laugh] How about a good laugh?<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A> <br><br>Mike H


No, the Deer got The man had a lot of cuts and bruises all over. His camo was<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"


By the way, the funnies are cool! Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"