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Full Version: What Type of Bluegill?
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I am trying to make the best choice possible but I keep reading conflicting opinions. I have read that it's best to stock straight up bluegill, and I've read that it's best to stock hybrid bluegill.

I guess if you stock bluegill they reproduce like mad if you don't have crappy, perch, or bass to thin them out.

I've also read that if you stock the hybrid version they produce 90% males so they don't over populate, but F2 or F3 they start to revert back to Green Sunfish. This causes them to start competing with your crappy, perch, and bass for food.

I am pretty certain I am going to stock Perch, Crappy, Fathead minnows and some type of bluegill. I've also read about the coppernose bluegill. Any opinions on the coppernose please let me know.
all gills have the potential of growning vary large, the key is to impliment a feeding program prior to stocking.

your fish stocker can supply you with the fish pellets when he deleivers them.

this is espicialy important because you are starting with a steril pond.

Redear or Punkinseed, use only one species dont mix them because they will cross bread in a small pond

the reason to go with hybred is for the most part you have to restock them on an anual baises to have a continous supply of large gills to harvest.

I havent heard any thing about hybreds reproducing 90% males. What I heard is they have a 10% reproduction rate.

lets say for the sake of argument their offspring do revert back to thier original breading stock, Green sunfish to get plenty large enough if there is enough food available for them.

but if you want to go with something that will reproduce, you will not be unhappy with either the redear or punkinseed, they both are fiesty little critters that get large enough to make a fine table fare..