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[cool]We have seen the pic below before...courtesy of Kiyo at Baytubers.

[Image: SCOU1712CustomImage2847840.jpg]

But a lot of people don't know that there are inland sharks too. Here in Arizona we have the "dry wash sharks". They have the ability to burrow into the mud when the washes go dry and remain dormant for months...or even years in our current drought. Then, when the monsoon rains fill the washes, and stupid motorists try to cross them, the sharks come out of hibernation and feed voraciously. See below.

[Image: SCOU1712CustomImage2832910.jpg]

Y'all be careful out there. Y'hear?
[sly] In picture 1 it makes you glad to be on the right side of the stick. Picture 2 however, I would have gotten out of the other side of the car.[cool]

[cool]Me too, even if the door was locked. I might have even tried to learn to walk on water.

Hey there TubeDude,

I don't think the shark in the second pic would cause anyone any harm as I believe that it was not interested in the humans but was performing a mating ritual directed at the large white object that it preceived to be a potential mate. Why can't people just let nature take it course?

If you had just awoke from hibernation, you might be ready to flex your pectorals too.

[cool]Hey, JR, appreciate your insightful usual. I cannot fault your logic that the second shark may have more than food on its mind. The open mouth very well could mean the prelude to mating, since many sharks do include a bit of neck biting by the male in their procreation ritual. Very observant. Still, I think the folks who have unwittingly gotten between the shark and its love interest may be in a spot of trouble.

But, comparing my patterns to those of sharks is not a good analogy. When I awake from "hibernation"...usually in front of the first inclination is usually to find the bathroom and then the bed...for sleep. Now, when I was a younger shark, there WERE different urges...and I hibernated less frequently and for shorter periods of time.