Yesterday I treated myself to a couple bags of new panfish lures and jigs for fathersday.
Suddenly, I'm out using them and the bluegill start biting faster then I could get the line out. Good sized ones, too. I was having a blast. Can't really remember what I was using. Can't tell you where I was. By the time I took note of such things, the alarm clock went off to a day where I probably won't be able to fish. [pirate]
Eh, I had fun, I guess, and I didn't get any sunburns or mosquito bites.
Good dream, but I think I need to go fishing.
You had me there for a minute. You do need to get out fishing.
Must be one of those reoccurring dreams that everyone gets -- like flying!
Man! I was about to grab my gear and head for the door! What a let down[frown]. At least it was a good dream though!
Sorry for the let down. No one was more let down that it was a dream than me. I woke up hungry for pan fish.
13 month old at home makes it tough to fish even on days off.
Did it look like this one? This little hen was so full of eggs I had to let her go [
(And anyone that's been reading my posts for the last year know how I hate to throw back a dinner.) She was the only BG I got for a week at Brownlee so it was for the best. I'll post a Brownlee update soon but heading to CJ for a few days now.
You guys are mean[mad]
but I did catch a number of perch Saturday for real[
That is a beautiful Bluegill, Avery! I am looking forward to your post on Brownlee.
Michael, where have you been perch fishing? Any size to them? What on? details details --- you can't just tantalize and then leave us hanging!
Ok, the dream made me want to go catch bluegill, the arm pulling I gave earlier made me want to pass it on to you all.
Had a few hours today (honest to goodness waking hours) and went to Beech's Pond just outside Nampa. Not the best fishing environment, but pretty good for a city pond. When I finally figured that casting a small jig and a 2" yellow grub would get me action, I started having a blast. The water was clear, which is good, because even on a very light weight pole, I couldn't feel the fish bite, I had to set the hook when I saw them take it.
Also, since I haven't caught panfish in a long time, I realized tonight that next time I do, I'll be scaling them and cooking them whole. My filet skills ain't what they should be.