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Well I admit, the Gulf has a much worse problem but this past month Salt Lake City has its own OIL SPILL

The stretch of river that I fish is now closed to the public. A couple of weeks ago, I was walking Baxter and I could smell the oil. Like the news stated, smells like a gas station.
I looked at the river from the bridge and way, what the heck. You could see the brown gooey stuff every where, plus that rainbow effect on the water.
Here is a picture taken last week:

[Image: IMG_2762.jpg]

Being all bumbed and seeing my golden babies rolling around in the grass and not being able to fish for them.

Well, today I got on the bike, loaded my gear and headed south away from the contaminated area.
Found a great spot and for two hours, I had a major work out. These fish have so much power, plus the current AND the grass.
I ended up hooking 8, playing them for several minutes, and having them come off at the bank...which was cool, because I was on a 3' high cliff.
I did jump down to the lower level on 3 of them.
I was using floating line with 12lb fluorocarbon for the leader/tippet.
8 weight Winston BIIx and windcutter 2 line. Fly was one I call the Big Ugly. The hook is like 3" long with a big gold bead. Body is Yellow, Orange, with a little black sparkle chenille. Yellow and Black Marabou tail and Yellow rubber legs:

[Image: 100_0090.jpg]

[Image: 100_0089.jpg]

[Image: 100_0087.jpg]
Now I know where you were all day.. LOL... but seriously.. those look like some healthy fish .. and that fly is definitely big and ugly... but obviously works...

MacFly [cool]
Wow, look at that fly used on 'golden ghost". Hey, its
working !
Nicely done girl, oil or not.[Wink]

Click on the blue photobucket writing and see one coming in for a that is[laugh]
awesome.. !!
That looks like a lot of fun. It all so is one of the ugliest flys I have seen and very effective.
I see that I am going to have to get a heavy weight rod eventually!

Too bad about the pipeline leak. At least it looks like Chevron is being responsible about it.
A short in an overhead 46,000-volt power line traveled to a fence post that acted like an electric arc welder, melting a quarter-size hole in the pipeline, the company said.

The bottom of the fence post was anchored just inches above the buried pipeline — an obvious danger that went unnoticed for 30 years, Chevron said.

"It would be highly unusual, but it's a plausible theory," Rocky Mountain Power spokesman Dave Eskelsen said.
I wonder how the big ugly would work on bass???

MacFly [cool]

I thought you had to use little flies for Carp. I'll have to try something bigger and uglier next time.

Do you have a dry photo of the fly?

Normally, I don't use BIG flies. I did have great lick last year on a Platte River Spider which is tied on a #4 Streamer hook.

I needed something that was going to get down fast because of the current, and something that could cut through the grass.

The hook is 2" long. Tail is Yellow and Black Marabou although you can't see the black in the picture.
Body is like a Root Beer Sparkle Chenille or Motor Oil. Yellow Rubber legs and Copper Tungsten bead which is also hard to see.

[Image: IMG_2786.jpg]
so its basically a big red wooly bugger with legs????

MacFly [cool]
More copper, but yes minus the Hackle that is also on Woolly Buggers
forgot about the hackle... :-)... Ill leave it at the Big Ugly...

MacFly [cool]