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not really looking for a report or tips etc, i need to figure the place out on my own and all, just really wanted average water temps if someone could chime in.... baitcaster?
I marked up a map for someone the other day. I'm no Hyrum expert, and I don't have a temp report, but if this helps any . . .

I think Hyrum may be next on our list of destinations. I need to remind my confidence factor I CAN catch trouts! And at least there I can drag pop gear on a down-rigger (NOT something to try at Mantua! Had lots of fat-burly trouts chasing and a few hookups, but none landed. Grr.)

I'd like to find the bass-beds up at Hyrum. Found em at both Mantua and Newton - fun to see. I know they like to hang out around the "cars" - but I expect to see them nesting farther up into the south-east end. Up in the woods.

If you see a little green flattbottom with chipping paint and waaaaay to much gear- say "hey".

The rangers there have been very informative when I've chatted with them. G'luck!
wow! thanks for that!
The water is starting to drop now with the heat, and the temps are 65 to 70 degrees. If you ask me the spawn is pretty much over, it was hard to see any bass on beds anyway because the water was and still is pretty murky. Here are a couple pictures from the last outing.
Nice ones. That second one is a beasty. Seems so light in color. Doesn't seem to have the green-stripes. Looks almost bigger than the monster you posted last week.

So where do you tend to find them - near the cars? up in the shallows past the inlet? What do you like to toss them?

I'm hoping for an early Sunday morning outing. Try getting out BEFORE sunrise (and the skiiers) for a change. Still debating between Newton, or Hyrum. Or maybe some kitty chasing in Cutler.... hmmmm.

So with the water warming, and the bass-spawn finishing - are the bass getting hungry and aggressive again? I wonder if the warmth will start sending the trout deep. Think I'll bring my riggers and pop gear.
they have been up in the shallows but the water has dropped almost two feet since we first found them. They have bit on a variaty of lures but mainly plastic lures, you have had to land it right on them though.
Man - I don't know where I get off telling ANYONE about Hyrum! Tried to get out EARLY for once, and well - didn't quite make it. Dropped in Sunday about 7:30, should have been there by 6! Next time I'm setting an alarm!

Lake was glassy calm. Beautiful morning! Just a few other anglers around, no wave-makers yet, they started showing up around noon.

Worked along the coast towards the cars - pitching spinners mostly. Nada. Got out the rigger, and longlines - and worked toward the inlet, north-south from there. Scoped out lots of spots on the F-finder around the cliff area. Pop gear, and some swim-bait spinners that have worked well before. Nada. Changed up patterns.
Pulled in the lines, and drifted - casting several patterns, even a plain gulp minnow.
Had a fun time watching the Mantua trout busily following my flashy spinners. I could hardly see the spinners until they were right to the boat. Water is awful murky.

Tried pitching into the woods up in the shallower area. Looked like some great bass-habitat to me! Saw lots of minnows along the shore east of the inlet.
Trolled some more, then worked into the back-eddy on the south-east. Saw a number of smaller bass up there. You can reaqlly see how the water's dropped in there. Interesting to see how many crawdad corpses were on the rocks.
So Hyrum has crawdads? And I didn't bring my chicken leg! Next time....

The mussel-checker said most other folks hadn't been catching either. So again - either the wrong place, the wrong time, or the wrong offerings. Hmmpf. Maybe next time!

You had sent me the Google Map earlier last week. Thanks again! Went and fished Hyrum on Saturday morning. Me and my two brothers in law, all in float tubes so we couldn't get up to the inlet area.

Hit the water at first light, 6:30 AM. Started out by the dam and fished along there for about 2 hours. We threw out evertyhing we had. Only got two hits, one on a chartreuse jig with a worm, and the other on a silver/chartreuse cast master. Didn't hook up with either.

Then we went to the day use/swimming area and launched from there. Tried fishing by the cars, but my two partners had lost interest and thought the sourdough pancakes back at camp sounded better.

We finished up around 10:00 with the big old skunk on our back.