I was looking at the stocking records for Mud Lake and it is maybe one of the most varied I have ever seen. bluegill, crappie ,catfish ,Tiger muskie, lohotan cutts,and I know it has perch. pretty interesting. Nothing has been stocked since 2006 did idfg just give up on the place?? Are there any fish currently in mud lake? I know it is prone to winterkill so I was wondering if anything with fins currently swims in the lake.
From what I've heard and read on here it's not so good any more but used to be good for perch. A few years back there was a huge winter kill and from what I understand hasn't been stocked since.
I was there a few weeks ago. 6 hours and no fish......
Bad fishing unless something changed
thats a shame... the place could be the place to grow the new world record tiger muskey if they could keep it from winter killing every 12-13 years.
The great winter kill really did a number on that lake. I know for a fact there are still some good perch in there, but they are few and far between. Hopefully they will come back in the next few years.
It is just too shallow and gets too thick of ice. Then the weeds die and the oxegyn is depleted.
It would cost a fortune to get enough aireators to keep the lake alive.
Here is hoping for perfect winters with ice thick enough to walk on yet no thick enough to cap the Oxegen.