GO - The wife says I need to go to bed now but I'll update tomorrow. Cemetery area is teeing off. Crappie, Bluegill, and Cats!!!!
So we didn't get on the water till around 9:30 and it was already getting hot. People were already coming in with their crappie for the day. Started catching those 10-11" crappie on chartreuse jigs off the point at fish camp. After 45 min or so a couple boats moved in on us so we pulled anchor and started snooping around. We found fish on just about every rocky point on the ID side. Each point was a different color and as it got hotter they slowed down, I finally had to start using a beetle spin at the end. Finally gave up on the crappie and headed back to the cemetery for some blue gills. Found them in a small cove with some tight cover. Small hook and a little worm under a bobber was the trick. Played with the BG until some people showed up and started swimming. Them fish disappeared into the cover as soon as them people started splashing around. Headed back to the truck for a break and some lunch. After lunch we debated heading home, it was so hot, but we decided to give it another hour and a half. Ran upstream 10 min or so, just past Tokyo point. Found a rock wall with some shade and started fishing - nothing. The breeze was blowing so we drifted the bank searching. We made it about 100 yrd and all of a sudden all the bobbers sank. Cats on!! We started nailing them and it didn't matter what we used. Jigs, Crankbaits, Worms and even powerbait. We managed to pull 17 cats out in about an hour. The fish were still biting but the cooler has full so we called it a day. Most were in the 2-5 lb range, perfect eaters. Lost a few bigger ones that broke off, including one that swimming around with my favorite crank. Avery had to sit on the cooler lid to keep them crazy cats from flopping out on the way back. Was loaded up and back on the road by 4. What a great day.
17 cats
23 BG
54 Crappie
Not bad for a 1/2 day of fishing. Just wish it wasn't 93 miles one way but I'm not complaining. [

Sounds great congrats
Are you putting in at Huntington? I had no idea it was 93 miles from Boise.
![[Image: happy.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/happy.gif)
awesome trip !! i love it when those cats eat anything. did you try for smallmouth much ? thanks and nice fish
Your killing me! I can't seem to be able to get out of town any farther than about a hour away. It is almost 4 hours for me to get up there. Where is the cemetery from Steck? Ron
I.A.L / ID Ron - I'm just guessing but I would say the cemetery is 15 miles north of Huntington or Steck. I think it's called Hibard Creek if I'm not mistaken (oregon side). The place we hit the cats was on the Oregon side but just up from Rock Creek (id side).
Bovis - We caught maybe 25 or 30 SMB during the day. I did not target then cuz I was hanging with the family and just wanted to enjoy the day. If I get going on the SM (or LM, or Salmon or whatever) I tend to forget the family is there and it's not fun for them. But that cost me a few cats and a nice crank cuz all I had was either 4 or 6 lb line setups.
But I'm not complaining. [fishon]
Thanks for the info. Have you ever fished wolf creek, sumac cr, Dennet creek, or Trail creek? It looks like a guy could get to those on the Idaho side. How is the current? I was wondering about going on the Oregon side and kicking across to the Idaho side. Is the Oregon side user friendly? Thanks Ron
We've fished them all over the years and it's all good. It's just easier to access the Oregon side and it's very user friendly. Not developed other than Spring across from Steck. Not much current north of Steck, you'll be fine. I've only driven on the ID side bird hunting and I don't really recall how the access is to the water but I'm sure you can slide in somewhere. You know what poison ivy looks like right? Keep your eye open for it as it's all over.
Thanks! I am going to have to try that oregon side. It sounds like it would be easier to get to than the Idaho side. Ron