Fishing Forum

Full Version: Gator, Chick, Crappie & Bass, 6/30/10, Solo
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I planned to do some bass fishing and crappie fishing, put the boat in about 6:30 but wasn't aware that the "hook" on my winch was defective. When the boat hit the water it just kept going, not a sole in site nor a boat in the water to help me out, sooooooooooooooo I had to hit the water, took my wallet, cell phone, and camera out of my pocket and wading water up to my neck and grabbed the boat but by then it had gotten over my head so I had to hang onto the bow and try and kick the thing back into shallower water toward my trailer. I did that Ok and no harm done except I was very WET most of the day, tennis shoes don't dry out so fast either. Well, after that I headed to a place to throw a frog in the grass and only caught 1 small bass, gave up after 1.5 hrs. and went for some sac-a-lait under docks and only found 2 of them in the next 1.5 hrs. so went back to bass fishing with no luck and finally gave up about 12:30 when it began to heat up. emoBang <br /><br />The weather was great but the fish just didn't want to bite for me today. Still, it was a great day to be on the water (in the water too). emoThumbsup <br /><br />If someone reports an old man swimming for his boat at Harrison Bay this morning, you'll know who it wuz.