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Full Version: wild day on E-lake..
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had a lot of family in town for the 4th weekend so I did not to get out fishing much.. but my nephew asked if I was fuzzy on the big fish site? I said yeah that's me.. we got talking fishing and soon we had to make a trip somewhere.. ended up just going to E-lake because that's the only place I could have taken my big boat.. and with Ty his wife jen, and little jack there boy of 3 year.. I thought it would be best to take the big boat..

well as I was gassing up in Fairview I could see some black ugly clouds coming up over the west hills.. I'm thinking this could get really ugly up on top in a while.. well we headed on up anyway.. meet coldfoot up there he had his camper and was just putting his boat in the water.. we got our boat in the water and everything loaded up and started fishing.. we started out trolling and before we could get 4 poles out little Jack had one on.. he hit the first fish then raped up in his blanket and went to sleep.. he was done.. lol.. we trolled all the way to the dam and was catching a bunch of fish.. but by the time we got down there them black ugly clouds had caught up with us and looked very Angry that we were on the lake.. and took it out on us with ice cold wind, ice balls hitting us in the face, some snow and rain.. NOT FUN AT ALL!! lol well we kicked the big motor up and made for the ramp as fast as we could.. by the time we got there it was snowing and raining at the same time and the wind was howling as well.. so I invited my self into coldfooters camper and said for the love of god men give me coffee now! [sly] he said get out of the wether what are you a fishermen or something? [crazy].. we waited around shooting the BS for about a hour still looked bad out so Jen and little Jack decided to head back to the house. me and Ty was going to wait it out and see if the snow stopped we would get the boat on and get it out of there.. well about 40 min's later I seen what looked like sun light coming throw Don's camper window but it was so fogged up I could not tell for sure.. so I looked out the door and it was bright blue sky's and no wind.. so I asked Ty if he wanted to try it again before going he say sure.. so we headed on out and did some more trolling and was still kicking some butt.. we caught a bunch of small cutt's and Ty and Jen caught there first tiger trout ever.. so they thought that was way cool too.. about 5:30 I pulled the boat out and got it washed this time before leveling and headed home.. it was an advent to remember lol..

here are some pic's

i thought i got a pic of little jack's first fish but it did not come out on my camera.. bummer..
I love E-Lake. This is the first year I've really fished it and I've knocked em dead every trip. I wanted to ask you about trolling. I bought a boat during the spring and haven't had the opportunity to take it out much, but I've tried trolling 9 mile a little bit and just have no idea what I'm doing. Could you give me some advice on how to set up a trolling rig? I see you have downriggers in your pics, do you have to use those?
well no you do not need downriggers to troll.. but I sure do love my big jon's.. i used leadcore line for years and still do.. yesterday we cought just as meny on the leadcore as we did on the downriggers.. it's just a lot funner to catch them on the lite line you can use with the riggers..

sounds like you live in sanpete Co ? if so i could show ya some of the best ways to set up easyer then wighting it all up here.. plus i'm not going to put all my sercret's here on the open fourm..

I watched you guys pull out. We slapped the cuts around pretty good trolling and then got into them jigging also and added a few tiggies to the fix.. The tiggs we got we pretty chunky. Best get our shiners before the tigs eat em all!! We trapped tons of shiners to be saved for the ice season,, (which cant get here soon enough for me LOL!)
LOL, hey it must be coming ya know cause we just seen it snow on the 4th of July! [sly]
Monday I talked to the main feller as far as Mussel control in your area and he told me if he dont find a mussel in E over the next year he will declare the lake mussel free. [sly]
well there is a good story behind the haste in which we left.. i'll tell it to you sometime.. sorry i did not get back up to where you were jigging and say thanks for the coffee and the warm place to hide during the snow storm!

glad to hear ya got a good amout of minnows. i still need to get about 200 bags or so more to get me through the winter [sly]..

yeah them tigers sure are eating them minnows up.. most all of them we caught had fat bellys full of them.. now if they would just start putting on the pounds and getting some size to them.. [sly]..

we realy do need to get together and do some fishing together sometime this year dude! [crazy]..