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[Image: whistle.gif] Anybody been up to Scofield lately? I might head up there and pound a few fish. What are they doing?
Check with Pikeman99, he was heading up for the holiday. He may have not posted up yet.
Thanks brother. Anybody else been up there?
Lots of fish to be caught, had luck on teaser, rapalas, popgear and worms, bait, what ever, even caught a chub on a six inch repala. problem is 10-12" fish, there are still good fish in the lake I think, but there are so many small fish that are so aggressive that you can't keep them off. Scofeilds day will come soon, the fish grow fast there and with the slot limits it will get exciting soon.
What kind, size, color etc. of rapalas were you using? What depth of water were you throwing them in? I have had great luck with the rapalas on the river below the dam, but not at the lake. Help me brother. Attached is a fish I caught just below the dam.
I was there Sat morn--started by island with power bait and caught a few but the best was towards the south end drifting a crawler and throwing spinners--we caught some 15 fist but all 12 to 13 inchers--it was fun but it is going to be another two years for the type of fishing I am used to at Scofield.
We were fishing 4 1/2 colors with 5" 78 pointers, but they were hitting teasers, strawberry wabblers, and some flatfish. didn't seem to matter, although we caught chubs on the rapala's, not on any of the other lures
I spent this last holiday weekend up there. As mentioned, we also caught plenty of small fish from the 10 - 12" range on just about everything.

The best success we had with some bigger fish came from fishing minnows right from our boat dock from about 8:00 am until 10:00 am. Nothing too big, but multiple cuts and tigers in the higher range of the slot.
