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Full Version: What is biteing int the great state of Texas?
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OK all I know the mesquitos are but what about in the running waters of Texas?
I have been gone for a while and am wanting to hear from all about the Texas fishing.
It's about ime you showed up . the Jacks, specks, rays, and whiting are in the surf. Soon to be follows by some Macs, tarpon and schooling reds.

I caught 1 big ray and an uncountable number of small to medium whiting yesterday in the South Padre Island surf.

Glad to see you back.
It feels good to be back too! If all goes well I will be ready to host another Turnament come spring. For now we will just keep our fingers crossed and hope.
I might need a bit of help for this next one. You interested in lending a hand?

Thanks for the input on the South Padre area. I hope to be posting some updates on the north end around BobHall pier and Port Aransas in the next couple of days.