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Full Version: Henry's Fork and Warm River near Ashton REPORT
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I fished the Henry's Fork and Warm River near Ashton yesterday evening and it was pretty slow. Between two of us we only caught 4 fish in 5 hours of fishing. We were using gold panther martin spinners (medium and large sizes). There was a major caddis fly hatch going on. I tried to fly fish using a tan caddis with a prince nymph dropper but I couldn't seem to get any takers. I'm definitely a terrible fly fisherman and wish I could improve! I can never figure out what flies the fish want mostly..there are so many!

Attached are some pictures...enjoy!
Thanks for the report. Looks like you did pretty well. Nice fish.

Thanks for the report. I am hoping to get up to the warm river soon.

I hear ya on the fly fishing! I have been trying to convince myself to do it more but i get frustrated too fast and switch to spin fishing and always have better luck. Guess we both just need to be persistent.
Yesterday we fished just below the Gem Lake Dam near Shelley. They were jumping all over the place so my brother tried some fly fishing. Went through 6 different flies without the tiniest bit of interest, switched over to a rapalla and first cast it went after it so hard the fish left the water with the lure in it's mouth.

It can be so aggrivating at times, but fun. Smile
Thats the joy of always having your fly rod and spinning rig! I guess its the outdoorsman in me that makes me want to fly fish, but at the same time its the man in me that wont let me leave without a landed fish!
I've often had the same problem w/ switching over too soon. Finally last year I forced myself to give the flyrod a chance and would leave the spinning gear at home when I would go out w/ my fly fishing friends or when hitting waters like the warm river to Ashton stretch or the teton. I found that a lot of the time the fish will hit flies when they won't touch the lures. On the other hand now I switch too quickly from dries to nymphs in order catch fish =). go figure. Keep at it.
Fly fishinging is not always about catching the most or biggest fish. I compare it to archry or muzzeload hunting. It is about catching fish in the sports purest form. Once you can master if ever you will no longer have the desire to fish any other way, Because of the callenges of fly fishing other ways seem to become less chalanging and no longer will keep your intrest. So keep that in mind when fly fishing after you catch fish on a fly rod cathing the same on other gear wont compare to that experiance