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Full Version: Incidental take of natural origin Chinook
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Not clear on what Fish and Game is talking about, Does this mean fish that are caught and released or are they talking about fish that are illegaly kept? Or is it a combination of both?

Fish managers are closing parts of the lower Salmon to reduce fishery related incidental take of natural origin Chinook. Fish and Game conducts the salmon fishery under a federal permit that allows a number of incidental deaths of natural salmon encountered by anglers and listed under the Endangered Species Act. Once that number is reached, Chinook salmon fisheries covered under the permit are shut down, regardless of how many harvestable hatchery fish may still be in the river. Exceeding the incidental take would shut down salmon fishing for the season in the lower Salmon River, the Little Salmon and other parts of the Salmon River, including the South Fork and the upper Salmon rivers.
This typically refers to catch and release mortality but also can include tribal take also. I would guess illegal catch gets factored into the equation at some point.
the creel survey they do if you say you caught a wild fish it counts as 7 hachery fish even thought it was released.
so just a fyi for the future dont tell fish and game that you caught any and the season will last untill the hachery quota is met..
That is kind of what I was hinting about, the moral question is do you tell when you catch and realease a wild one?
I think the answer is dont say any wild fish were caught..
if you ever sit and watch the ( native indians ) they dont have to worry about the native fish and they have their own quotas whitch they dont follow. go up after the season closes and watch they catch and sell native fish..
and they have no game wardens keeping track of numbers they take.........[Image: sleepy.gif][Image: sleepy.gif][Image: sleepy.gif][Image: sleepy.gif][shocked]

happy fishing....
If you follow what beautyfish3 is saying, we will never have a salmon or steelhead fishery in Idaho. Feel free to break the law and lie to the F&G folks, and get our fishing shut down.

By the way, the Native American fishing is regulated on a different scale, by separate numbers, from the sport take in Idaho. Their number do not follow sport numbers in any way. If it wan't for the Nez Perce Tribe, we would never have any seasons in Idaho. Study up and get the facts before you spout innaccurate information.

Salmon caught on bait suffer a documented 10-15% mortality when released. F&G has to estimate on the high side or we lose our seasons. The only way we can continue to have seasons ans operate as we have is to honestly report all fish caught, and handle them properly when releasing them.
I'm with Mojo. Although I don't agree with everything F&G does, I don't believe that deceiving them with false counts is going to help anyone. We need to play by the rules and voice our opinions and concerns when and where appropriate, but lieing about our catch rates is not right.
whew......first of all what the he** is a natural origin salmon. it is a NATIVE just like a pike minnow is a SQUAWFISH. so darn SICK of all these minority groups acting like a bunch of whiny grandmas about any thing culturally offensive waaaaaaa.

second the nez perce tribe has SQUAT to do with the migration of salmon and steelhead. take a look in the dumpsters near rapid river . see what you find. you will find salmon stripped of eggs and thrown in the trash. i have seen this several times. does the tribe run rapid river hatchery? hmmm lets see NOT. do they buy licences and tags for salmon and steelhead fishing ? lets see NOT. do they support local ecomomies with lodging and tackle purchases lets see NOT the use nets and gaffs. because they are SUCH conservationalists. and have motor homes that were given to them by our goverment. just because they are native american.

dont mean to ramble but this is a hot button for me . good fishing.....
and my last rant didn't sufficiantly lower my blood pressure so here is an add on. if folks are so concerned about gentle release of fish fish getting sore mouthes from the penetration of a barbless hook . and on and on with the audobon garbage.........stay home take up crochet, horseshoes, anything. i am for conservation as well however some people take it to extreams. or perhaps purchase scuba gear and you can pet and hug the fish as they make it up the river possibly offer them a drink of gaterade...ok i am ok now.............we had better play hookey from work if we want any sf of the salmon action closes tonite. cough cough i am not feeling to good............
mojo are you realy from must think the world
of your self and the nez-perce. the indians didnt get the salmon seasons going again the fish and game did.
and just a note all the fish in the weir that are left go to the that fair to the idaho tag holders...
Are you forgetting that they run a hatchery right on their reservation? A hatchery from which undoubtably many more fish are caught by non-native anglers than Nez Perce?

[url ""][/url]

Without that hatchery, there would be fewer retainable Chinook in the Snake and Clearwater. Oh yeah, the Dworshak hatchery is a cooperative project with the tribe too.

[url ""][/url]

But hey, let's not let actual facts get in the way of Indian bashing. They're taking all of OUR fish! Treaties be damned, those salmon should be for white anglers only!

Give me a break.
do you fish the south fork.
if you did you would know that the indians that are up there are from blackfoot..... last time I checked they are not nez-perce.. are you from backfoot..
yeh the south fork really makes ya mad they walk up an down the river as they please taking whatever they want.yeh we took there land but how many generations of the deadbeats do we have to support?..........i agrees with the boviss guy indians dont do jack crud for the salomon and steelhead. they use 10 times mor fish than they make.
I was referring to Bovis's comment, which referred specifically to the Nez Perce:

"second the nez perce tribe has SQUAT to do with the migration of salmon and steelhead."

I don't know if he was lying on purpose or out of ignorance, but either way it's still a lie.

I am not Indian, but I don't like tarring an entire population with the same brush. Are there abuses? I'm sure there are. Guess what? Life ain't fair. People need to grow up and stop acting like whiny children fighting over a toy.

Personally, I've met a lot more white jerks on the water than any other race. But it's like saying non-native anglers are littering, snagging poachers because some of them throw garbage everywhere, snag fish, and keep over their limit.
If you haven't fished the SF in the last few years you may not know what's been going on up there. Someone will be shot one of these days. Having a drunk in your face war hooping as he snags a fish you've been working makes a person a little mad. There was a reason the NP chief put out a warning last year to the warriors to behave or risk losing the fishing privileges. He even went on to ask the local business owners in Riggins not to sell alcohol to his people. They know there is a problem but the SF is along way from the res..

Back to the original post - there are no native fish in the LSR or SF. There are just fish that didn't get clipped. I'm sure there are a few real natives still swimming in the Salmon River, spawning in the smaller creeks in the Frank Church. When F&G gave up on real fish counts and started guessing buy doing creel surveys it just hasn't worked. They need to go back to mandatory fish checks at the end of each day. It was a pain to go check your fish but at least we got our fair share. You could also watch the numbers daily and you knew what was left. It seems it's just another money maker for F&G now.
very well put . idfg always scamming for money
OK Moderators,

This thread began by advocating illegal and immoral behavior and has become a stream of ignorance and racism. Is this what passes for acceptable behavior on this board?

I would strongly suggest that this entire thread be removed. Apparently only those who live in Idaho, have posted some unknown minimum number of messages on this board, and are unable to use the English language are qualified to comment here. Ridiculous.
here wes go a liberal crybaby not able ta man up an listin to differ apinions. go catch a lil stocked rainbow an quit cryin fer the moderator. grows up
Illegal - not sure. If you under report to a volunteer is it illegal? Not sure, they have no status or power. No different than lying to your buddy about where you caught the fish.
Immoral - maybe. That's between them and god. But consider all the guys that can't catch a fish that report they let "X" amount of natives go just to save some face. How about the fin clipper that claims they got every fish when they just dumped a bunch of unclipped fingerlings (natives) down the drain so they could go have a smoke break? As Dr. House says "all people lie". It's just a matter of what it takes for a person to lie.
Racism - most people make their opinion from personal experiences. Very few people are just plain racist. If you think I'm racist you better think again. I'm 1/8 Indian, Married to 100% Filipino, and my best friend is 100% Thai. I give my cousins crap all the time for being government sucking indians. And they are ok with that as long as they get their checks.
Idaho only - well it's the ID board.
Unknown # messages - well we can all see how many posts a member has made. It seems you are the one with the least amounts of posts. Both which haven't contributed anything of substance to the topic at hand.
English - you got us there buddy!

Anything else you'd like me to address?

Let me know!

Well stated.
