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I purchased a Humminbird Fishin Buddy portable depth finder to use with my float tube recently. The only problem I encountered was with the available Humminbird float tube harness. When I used it, the tube would "wiggle" side to side based on the strap design. And it would only mount near the front of the tube- directly in my way for casting and kicking-- NOT GOOD!

So I made my own harness (see photos) that hooks right on to my tube. That makes it so much more stable, and it's easy to disconnect for transporting and storing my tube.

I thought I'd share this in the hopes that it might save someone else some frustration and aggravation. Happy Tubing out there!
Nice post. You have some good ideas that will be very helpful for those who have the fishing buddies. Thanks!
This is what I did with my Fishin Buddy 120.

1 1/4 " PVC runs through FB mounting bracket. 1" to 1 1/4" union makes it quickly positionable: transducer down or transducer 90 degrees to the front or back so it is up out of the water.

Wanted this for launching, beaching, and those all too frequent trips into the shallows to retrieve a hung up lure. This works really well, but is a little bulky. My first attempt with PVC....

You had some good ideas with your design. It's amazing how much you can do with PVC, isn't it? This should give other folks some more options when they try to rig something up for their Humminbird Fishin Buddy depth finders.

I like the way you can retract the unit out of the water. On my design I have to lift mine up out of the harness and lay it across my lap when launching or beaching my tube, and navigating the shallows to untangle lures. But it's not a big pain.

Hopefully some others will chime in with ideas. I really do like my fishin buddy depth finder, as it seems about ideal for tubing.

Thanks for sharing your setup info. with everyone!
[signature] you live in Oklahoma? I'm just "up the road" from OK in Wichita, KS....
Hey Okie, I see we have the same tube. I don't know about you, but I always found myself sliding down until I was in an almost prone position, and was constantly having to pull myself back up. So I made a small modification by shortening the crotch strap. I did this by folding the strap onto itself and 'sewing' it in place using heavy test fishing line. This small adjustment made a big difference in the comfort of the tube. I'm not a big guy - 5'10, 170#. Maybe it's less of an issue for bigger dudes. Thought I'd share. Happy tubing.
Sorry no ideas here. Have you tried the tube with your sonar there? I am assuming you are left handed, because I think it would be in the way more where it is.
I don't use the FB but my sonar is in my side bagslightly in front of me and totally out of the way of a cast, but I do sit a little higher and I am sure my ride is wider.
I am just trying to visualize being able to move your arm to cast, but again, maybe you are left handed.
Very clean idea though. I guess I am asking for more info...[laugh][laugh] please.
I am guessing you aren't going to be getting a response from Okie as they haven't signed in for about a year and a half. [:p]

But that is a nice modification idea that I am sure will be helpful to some other tubers.