I am planning a trip to Oneida soon and wanted to pick your brains about the smallies there. I read a post on here a few weeks ago about a guy that just hammered them. It looked like there were a lot of smaller fish but my question is, is there a good chance of hookin into a big bronzeback there. Another question I had was how far down the river can you find them as well. I appreciate any info I can get!
I've never seen one over 16 but I don't fish for them much. However I've got bass all the way from Grace to the Utah State line......
The biggest smallie Ive caught out of the reservoir is pound and half there is ton of small ones in there.
The biggest Smallie I have landed on the river was 3 pounds on a muddler minnow on my 3 wt fly rod it was killer catch I had to chase it down river and play it out. Light rod light line equals fun... Ps you will catch just as many eyes as smallies fishing for them bronze backs.
Here is a post from the Fall of '08 when I was up there. We really got into them in the two days we were there. Nice size to them too. I have caught many in the river as the others have mentioned and they can get some size to them as well.
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=448353;search_string=honey%20hole;#448353"]http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=448353;search_string=honey%20hole;#448353[/url]
I fished it 3-4 times in june. Each time we caught about 50 fish, with most going 9-12 inches. We probably caught 6-8 each trip over the 12 inch mark and most of those were 12-14 inches. The last trip there i caught one right at 3 lbs. Didn't measure the length. I would assume the big females have moved to deeper water for there summer patterns.
You can find them all the way down the river, even below Cutler. About 16" is as big as I've found them as well, though overall I've caught larger ones in the river. I just wish there wasn't so much junk floating around in The Narrows.
Thanks for the info TS, I love catcing smallies and it's nice to see that there is a place close to home to find them. Catching them in the river sound like a riot. Where on the river would you suggest a guy try, and is there good river access. My experience up in that area is that there is a lot of private ground and I don't want to be that guy, you know the one who cuts the fences and chases off the cattle and steals the keys out of farmers equipment! [cool]