im heading to ellis tomorrow for the day does anybody want to go with split gas and fish for chinook for the day? hit me up and let me know.
Wish I could! Good luck though.
They're really starting to catch fish at friend caught a 42 incher this morning, and I heard of someone else landing eight this morning. You are hitting it just right...bring your can of oil packed tuna!
I would have if I didn't have to work 2 am til 8 am. bla.

I can't stand it!!! I'm leaving for Ellis around 2 this afternoon, coming home Tuesday afternoon. Anyone from around Boise want to go? Just planning on pitching a tent. Let me know asap!
Man, I dont know what it is about that river but I cant catch a salmon there to save my life. Fished it 4x now and havent touched a fish. Its so close to me to boot that it really bugs me. Ill have to give it one more shot i guess.
Heading up there with my son and need some information to get me started. What # test line? What setups are best? Bait? I've got about everything for steelhead but have only caught jacks while fishing for steelies. I've got a larger reel that'll take up to 30# test. Can you get by with slightly lighter gear?/
you will want a med hvy or heavy action salmon/steelhead rod with 30# or heavier lineline. 2/0 hooks and an assourtment of yarn/corkies and roe or tuna. Depending on which hole you fish a couple bobbers would be good to have.
Thanks for the info. Just what I needed. I've fished for chums in Hood Canal and it sounds similiar except for the roe/tuna addition. I've got a bunch of roe in the freezer left over from lake trout. Maybe I'll take that along with regular packaged roe + some tuna in oil.
Chrome I was up there on the 11th, I was fishing around deer gulch, I landed 3 ill write a full report tonight.. howd you do...
i only hooked and landed 2 but i did get quite a few hits but they wernt holding on to it just a big smack and then nothing i landed both those fish on my 9 ft medium action loomis with 18 lb test maxima chamilion. it was a heck of a battle fighting those fish. the most fun i have had fighting a fish since a 27 lb carp last year on my 6 wt fly rod.
Two sounds like a good day to me. Glad you caught some anyway.
I was also up there over the weekend. I fished mainly right at the handicapped shelter. Saturday was a little slow. Between four of us, we only hooked 1 fish. On sunday I managed to hook three but only landed one. Not too bad for only doing it a couple of times the last few years. It is definitely going to get better the next couple of days. I'm already trying to get an angle on the next trip out of my wife.[pirate]
P.S. Sunday I had two on flying C's (One on orange and another on chartreuse) and one on roe. My buddy caught one on a tuna ball.
Just walked in the door with my head hanging down. I got skunked! Had two good hits this morning but couldn't hook up. I didn't give it long and only fished 3 hours or so. Seen a few fish caught from the drift boats around Deer Creek area. But there where 3 guys under the Pahsimeroi bridge that seemed to have it figured out. They were running roe under a bobber and hooking up consistently. I watched for an hour or so and they managed to hook a half dozen between them. Only landed one and it was unclipped. Heard one of the guys say he hooked 11 yesterday and only landed 4. Is it normal for the boat guys to tie up under the bridge and block the area off? I've never fished the area before so it was all new to me. I had more fun just driving around and talking with people than I did fishing. Learned some things so maybe next time.
I spent 20 some years living in Challis and fished that river hard. It is common for the guys in the drift boats to drop anchor right under the bridge, Steelhead season is
espescially bad. I learned to just drive by and find another hole.
The best Salmon fishing is between Challis and Stanley but all of the good holes are closed. If you get a chance
you should float the river in the summer from Ellis down stream, you'll find some good holes that way.
I also fished for two days this last weekend, and got skunked. My buddies each got a hold of one each, but other than that nothing for us on Sunday or Monday. I was trying all the typical stuff, but never even felt a fish. I really want to get back up there but don't know if I will be able to. Hopefully it will stay open and heat up for a couple more weeks.
guys, I am heading to Ellis to do some river surveying with my jet boat and am also going to fish when there. Any comments on how the river is there. I am always nervous taking my jet on a river that I have never been on. I frequent the south fork of the snake often so thats a majority of my experience. Any comments would be great on what to expect!
Assuming you put in at Deer Gulch. The river is pretty shallow right now. You can scout a lot from the highway but the section you can't see from the road is, of course what will get you in trouble. You are limited to only a couple miles of navigable water so my suggestion would be to park at Deer gulch and walk up river towards Ellis so you can see around the corner, there are some shallows up river that i'm just not sure about right now.
Keep er on plane.[pirate] Good luck!
thanks for letting me know. How shallow do you think. I have a 17' jet boat that runs in about 6" of water. do you think that would cut it?
Yes, if you know how to read a river you should be fine.
When I lived there we would always float that section in a raft first to see if anything had changed over the winter. I hope somebody else chimes in because I haven't been there all year.