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Full Version: Going back to Boysen today
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Came home last tuesday to catch up on some household chores after 29 days at the lake[Image: happy.gif]
Just hooked up the 5th wheel and will be meeting a good friend from Utah at the lake on monday.
This is as close to fishing heaven as a guy can get[Smile]
Walleyes up to 30 inches, 15 inch crappies and some slimers (rainbows) to 7 or 8 pounds.
The eyes are averaging 18 to 21 inches with enough 4 to 7 pound fish to make life interesting.
According to our log the wife and I have put over 400 eyes in the boat in the last month.
It's an amazing lake and life is good (no it's GREAT)[cool]
Glad to hear you have been getting to know the residential population of eyes out there. I have driven through the tunnel and seen parts of Boysen. Surly looked nice, I can only imagine what the rest if the lake looks like. You should post up some pics if you catch any monsters, I would love to see what they look like out there. Hope to see you out here this fall if you are going to make it back for the tourney. I think I am going to fish it as well.[Wink] Take care Roger, and thanks for the update.[fishon]
Hope you do well. I've been meaning to go there but it looks like a 10 hour drive. Best of luck to you. Keep safe!