First post here...I've been lurking for about 2 months and have been helped a TON by the great experience and tips offered by the members here. So a big Thank You to you all...only trouble is, I'm a below-average fisherman and have always been at peace with that. Until now - reading all the info here makes me think I should be doing better; when I get skunked, it's a surprise now :-).
I went to the Spanisk Fork River inlet yesterday morning. I got out there around 6:30 and it was beautiful - saw lots of birds, a snake, something that looked like an otter (!) And had the place all to myself. Only trouble is, I had a soft bite on my first cast...then nothing for 2 hrs.
I started off with a big crawler and a sliding sinker on the bottom. After 75 min or so of no action, I switched to a worm under a bobber. Still nothing. For the last 45 min or so I just used a spinner and then a spinnerbait. Nada. So I went home empty-handed. But at least I got out, right? :-)
Welcome aboard. Now I know where not to fish!
thats fishing for ya! getting skunked is just another part in your quest for fishing wisdom! welcome to the forum[

Hey SF Aaron,
Nice Post and Welcome to Posting!!! That is cool to hear about the rodent....I bet it was a mink or a Mukrat. I have seen a few and I think someone said that they escaped (were let out) from a farm a while back near UL.
The only thing I would suggest is to use a bobber and maybe some fresh cut bait like White bass or carp. No weight, under a bobber. That really helps at UL and it can help you cover more ground. Also, if you dont get a hit within 30 mins, I would suggest moving around a bit and try different depths to see where they are holding at. The fish may want to play, but sometimes thay get a little lock jaw.
But like you said, the important thing is that you got out!!!
I look forward to more awesome Posts,
Thanks for the replies, guys. Yeah, I thought the river would be a good spot, but I had MUCH better luck doing the same thing (worm w/ sinker) at the mouth of Hobble Creek two weeks ago. That's where the fish in the profile pic came from.
FishKillr, thanks for the tips about using cut bait. I'll have to try that next time - assuming I can catch a bass or carp in the first place! :-)
One thing that was a little disappointing is how much trash there was along the bank and the shoreline. I guess some people's moms never taught them to pick up after themselves.
+1 on the the cut bait.. for the cat fish at utah lake.. chub,sucker, shiner,shrimp and even anchovies work good for cut bait.. if you catch a white bass or perch they can be a great bait for cat's there as well.. and one more that tube dude seems to do good on is carp meat.. i have not done as good with it as he dose tho.. the best bait i have found for cat fishing is chub or sucker meat.. some time they like it fresh other times they like it realy stinky. so i put some out in the sun in an bag for 3 or 4 hours before going fishing and keep some frozen and try both and see what one they want that day..
Everytime we head out to sandy beach and get skunked we always decide to fish the S.F. river outlet in hopes of catching fish. to be honest I've decided to never fish it again. I've fished it in the winter as well as the summer, i've even taken a boat down it hitting all the little holes, and the only thing i've ever caught is white bass, and even that was hit and miss. I've seen one big cat and one decent adult walleye pulled out of there one night, but for some reason it seems to be a finnicky area. It's kind of deep there so my thoughts are maybe they are holding to the bottom? Plus there's so many fallen trees, I think there is probably tons of structure underneath where the fish hang out. I'd like to hear of someone who catches fish there regularly to know what i've been doing wrong all these years.