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Full Version: An Idaho fish you probably didn't know existed
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Ever hear of pygmy whitefish? I hadn't. Maybe because they are found at the 1100' level of Lake Pend Oreille and Priest Lake as well. Here is another article from yesterday's Coeur d'Alene paper. Wish the Statesman would offer an outdoors page half as good as CDA. Here is the link:

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First time I've heard of them. Wonder how they taste? I'm sure they have role to play in the lakes. Mother nature is amazing!!!
I'd like a picture, but they probably don't look so great after coming up from 1100' deep.
Here's an article of one caught in Montana and broke the record for pigmy whitefish. I bet he fought that giant for half a day. [Wink]

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He's using that old camera trick of holding it way out in front of you to make it appear huge.
naw, that thing's got to be photoshopped [laugh]!
From reading the article there's apparently some serious competition for that record. It was broken quite a few times before. kind of reminds me of our utah chub record here. I've got my sites on a record chiselmouth next year, I've got em all scouted out!
I am 99.3% sure I caught the record chiselmouth out of the salmon river and didn't even know it until I got home and seen what the record was.
don't even think about it! That one's mine!!![laugh][laugh][laugh]