Fishing Forum

Full Version: Soldier Creek or North end of Deercreek..
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Hoping to drag my girlfriend out on the water Sunday morning (hopefully before the sun's as hot as Hades. She likes to sleep in [crazy]). I can't seem to decide between the berry or deercreek, and i haven't been out much lately. Anyone have a report on recent action at either or both? I know a big ol cutt from the berry would go wonderfully on my grill, or a nice fat bow or walleye from deercreek would too...Although, i haven't sunk into a walleye for years. I think i lost my touch.
i was trolling at soldier creek 3 weeks ago and we did pretty good with needfish and spoons over by the dam along those cliffs to about the pine hollow bay small rainbows and medium cutts. and last week me and my boy went to deer creek and trolled for 3 or so hours caught one rainbow but it was worth it 2pounder and watchin that little guy try to reel that in haha. but i did talk to a guy who was walleye fishing in charleston he said he had caught 15 or so using a bottom bouncers and a worm harness just drifting in 15 to 20 feet of water. good luck
Nice, thank you for the info! There's almost nothin' better than watching the kids pull in nice fish. I think i like that as much as pulling them in myself! In fact, my niece (who is 10) called me last night to tell me the best fish story i've ever heard. Her grandparents (both my side my sis-in-law's side) live on the water at gunnison bend res, and she was in the back yard with a barbie pole, tossed a crawlie in, told the water that she wanted to catch something she could eat, and within 15 minutes fish was on! She struggled it in, and it turner out to be a nice 3lb walleye. Love it. If only we all had the luck of a 10 year old girl, eh?

Will post our luck (or lack thereof) after tomorrow mornings adventure. Thanks again!