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Full Version: Rockport 7.16.2010
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I really do not know where to start with this report. I decided on a whim to hit Rockport early thismorning. Arrived a little before 6am, and had my line in the water by 5:56AM (I checked my phone).

Trout were not biting on powerbait, so after 45 minutes, I decided to put a few lures on and try for some smallies.

Switched around until I found one they liked (Mepps #2 copper blade). Proceeded to stroll the shoreline and caught about a dozen little dinky-dinks (less than 6 inches). Finally worked my way up to a rocky stretch of shoreline, and I could see rockpiles submerged below the waterline, and saw that there were some steep dropoffs going down to 10 - 15 feet deep around the rockpiles (polarized sunglasses kick-ass!!). I could also spot hoardes of dinky-dinks just hanging out on the edges of the rock piles. They kept playing, and I proceeded to get hits from them.

Finally i glanced upshore and noticed a boil going on about 20 feet ahead of me, near the shore. I cast my line and dropped my spinner righ in the middle of the boil. No sooner had it hit the water, then I felt a big tug on the end, and felt it pull and dance. I could tell by the jerk, that it was a bigger fish. And sure enough I reeled in the first 10" smallie (the largest one I have ever caught in my life). After that, I worked the shoreline a little more, chasing the boils, I went on to catch 3 more smallies, one at 11", one at 13" and another 10".

During this ordeal I did manage to spook up a weasel, and he lunged at me from his driftwood pile fortress, and startled me in to doing a breif tap dance, and a finale of crashing hard on the rocks. With a bruised femur, and a bruised ego, I decided to pack it in and call it a day.

This is 2 weeks after fishing this same area, and getting chased by a badger, land critters do not like me much at Rockport.

THis time I remembered to bring my camera, and snapped some photos of today's catch. Enjoy!
[quote utahpunk] This is 2 weeks after fishing this same area, and getting chased by a badger, land critters do not like me much at Rockport. [/quote]

Nice wait till you come literally nose to nose with a moose that has a rack the size of a small yugo and a small calf next to it. [shocked][shocked][shocked]
I have seen enough moose up in the Uintas (Christmas Meadows). They are big, big, BIG animals. Never come nose to nose, but had one stand up in a grove of pines about 25 feet from just glared at me, then moved away. I have also seen some large moose along I-80 down by Wanship, so I know they are in the area.
We were at rock cliff side that little park area before boat ramp. We were fishing were the water exits it out of the lake and were having a great day of fishing.

It was getting late the sun was down barley enough light to see in front of us when we went down a ravine and were trying to climb up the side when I heard a bunch of branch's break sounded like heard of cows running through the forest. Then a huge shadow appeared right in front of me. I first thought it was a horse.. no big deal right... wrong I then seen another horse looking shadow charging toward us with a huge rack on its head and making a grunting noise ( I then thought it was my x-wife) [Wink] So I dropped everything and hall a$$ back up the side of the ravine Im sure if it weren't for that ravine that moose would of rammed us but it stopped I wasnt able to look back I just stop hearing the noise behind me we made it a back to the spot were we were fishing waited about an hour, clean our shorts and slowly made it back to the truck.

The drive back we kinda pieced every together baby moose or mama and a bull to the rescue I dont know it could have been a elk I'm not sure it was too big to be a deer but I do know it was pissed and would have ran us over like a mac truck if it could of.
I was up there on 7/6 and 7/8 we limited out both days for 3 people and thew back plenty of smaller fish. We didn't find the bigger fish on of the rock piles where I found them last year. They were sitting on nests next to the rock piles in about 15' - 20'of water. We were using 3"-4" dark green senkos, and my bro caught several on a purple/smoke color too.

While I was there I saw a weasel on the shoreline and a large rodent like animal, not sure what it was couldn't see its head.