07-16-2010, 08:49 PM
I really do not know where to start with this report. I decided on a whim to hit Rockport early thismorning. Arrived a little before 6am, and had my line in the water by 5:56AM (I checked my phone).
Trout were not biting on powerbait, so after 45 minutes, I decided to put a few lures on and try for some smallies.
Switched around until I found one they liked (Mepps #2 copper blade). Proceeded to stroll the shoreline and caught about a dozen little dinky-dinks (less than 6 inches). Finally worked my way up to a rocky stretch of shoreline, and I could see rockpiles submerged below the waterline, and saw that there were some steep dropoffs going down to 10 - 15 feet deep around the rockpiles (polarized sunglasses kick-ass!!). I could also spot hoardes of dinky-dinks just hanging out on the edges of the rock piles. They kept playing, and I proceeded to get hits from them.
Finally i glanced upshore and noticed a boil going on about 20 feet ahead of me, near the shore. I cast my line and dropped my spinner righ in the middle of the boil. No sooner had it hit the water, then I felt a big tug on the end, and felt it pull and dance. I could tell by the jerk, that it was a bigger fish. And sure enough I reeled in the first 10" smallie (the largest one I have ever caught in my life). After that, I worked the shoreline a little more, chasing the boils, I went on to catch 3 more smallies, one at 11", one at 13" and another 10".
During this ordeal I did manage to spook up a weasel, and he lunged at me from his driftwood pile fortress, and startled me in to doing a breif tap dance, and a finale of crashing hard on the rocks. With a bruised femur, and a bruised ego, I decided to pack it in and call it a day.
This is 2 weeks after fishing this same area, and getting chased by a badger, land critters do not like me much at Rockport.
THis time I remembered to bring my camera, and snapped some photos of today's catch. Enjoy!
Trout were not biting on powerbait, so after 45 minutes, I decided to put a few lures on and try for some smallies.
Switched around until I found one they liked (Mepps #2 copper blade). Proceeded to stroll the shoreline and caught about a dozen little dinky-dinks (less than 6 inches). Finally worked my way up to a rocky stretch of shoreline, and I could see rockpiles submerged below the waterline, and saw that there were some steep dropoffs going down to 10 - 15 feet deep around the rockpiles (polarized sunglasses kick-ass!!). I could also spot hoardes of dinky-dinks just hanging out on the edges of the rock piles. They kept playing, and I proceeded to get hits from them.
Finally i glanced upshore and noticed a boil going on about 20 feet ahead of me, near the shore. I cast my line and dropped my spinner righ in the middle of the boil. No sooner had it hit the water, then I felt a big tug on the end, and felt it pull and dance. I could tell by the jerk, that it was a bigger fish. And sure enough I reeled in the first 10" smallie (the largest one I have ever caught in my life). After that, I worked the shoreline a little more, chasing the boils, I went on to catch 3 more smallies, one at 11", one at 13" and another 10".
During this ordeal I did manage to spook up a weasel, and he lunged at me from his driftwood pile fortress, and startled me in to doing a breif tap dance, and a finale of crashing hard on the rocks. With a bruised femur, and a bruised ego, I decided to pack it in and call it a day.
This is 2 weeks after fishing this same area, and getting chased by a badger, land critters do not like me much at Rockport.
THis time I remembered to bring my camera, and snapped some photos of today's catch. Enjoy!