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Full Version: 4 Year Old Hooks 14# Channel cat
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I took out a special client this last week, a 4 year old that loves to catch "Blue Gills". We set up outside the channel at Green Bay and worked the current on the deep dropoff from the power plant discharge. Not more than three minutes after the giant Canadian Crawler hit bottom the pole was tested. Young Aidan was holding on for dear life. I almost interceded at one point when it looked as though the fish was about to pull him from the Helm's chair. Aidan brought the fish to the boat, as I gave him instruction on how to get it out of the heavy current flow, and then we switched places. Aidan took the net and I slide the big channel cat into his reach. If you could put his excitement into a fuel canister, you could do a moon shot.
Not good at this yet, so I guess I'm replying to my own post, LOL. Here's one of the channel cats we picked up. His Mom told me he complained of sore arms the next day, go figure, he's 4 years old and hauling in submarines, Smile.
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=353;]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=354;]there you go bud ! nice pics , there awsome !
[size 1]after you did everything that you did to load the pic file , go to your post , click on the attachment file to bring up the pic . once it loads , hold your cursor over it and right click , choose copy , then back . then edit your post , right click again and choose paste , your photo will come up and then choose make changes at the bottom . your post and pic will now come up together . [/size]
your pal lonehunter ,

good job on giving that kid a memory that will last a lifetime , by the time he's twenty that fish will be seven feet long and a couple hundred pounds !