Fishing Forum

Full Version: Liveliner, Atlantic Ocean, Southern Flounder and Speckled trout, July 9-11, SSI Buddies
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<br /> Spent last weekend on St Simon Island, GA Shark fishing. The tides were really cranked up to about 8 1/2 feet high. That made inshore fishing very rough and limited. The blue crabs were not even near shore. I was fishing for big sharks exclusively. The bait I was using was frozen Bonita. I did not get a single good run. The sharkers who were getting hit were using fresh Cow-nose Rays.<br /> On Sunday I decided to get some local fish to bring home since the big ladies let me down. I brought back 6 or 7 Southern flounder of low average size and some Speckled Trout. All fish were caught on live shrimp, mud minniow and 4" live mullet.<br /> Sorry I did not take more pics. I was looking to show you guys a big Bull, Lemon or Hammerhead pic. I plan to go back down next week. I hope for better results.<br /> I have attached a couple pics of the strange heads of the flounder for those of you who haven't seen one up close. When Southern Flounder are born, the eyes are near normal. As they start to grow the eyes move to the same side of the head. The nose stays on the edge. The bottom side of the fish is completly snow white. Strange looking fish but awesome to catch and fantastic on the table.