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Full Version: Evening eyes at DC?
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I may be able to fish DC one of these evenings from sundown to 11 pm or so.
Any tips to try and catch some walleye?
Thanks, Shane
That could be tough and I'm sure one of the guys that fish it often could give you some better advise but I guess the biggest question would be, will you be fishing from shore? The only way I've caught them is with a jig and night crawler but that was from a boat.
I will be in my Crestliner, I thought I would start out bottom bouncing the flats north of the island and then go from there.
Thanks, Shane
i may be down there this evening doing the same thing in my crestliner maybe we can have some good luck
Jigs with chartruese or white curley tails, my favorite is a perch scale Shad Rap or sometimes bright orange or chartruese crank baits. You may also pick up some nice bass or trout tossing these up toward the shore from a boat after dark. The eyes seemed to like to smack the cranks just as you were getting near the boat with your lure. I haven't fished the lake for a couple years now but I would imagine things haven't changed much. I use to launch at dusk and fish until 1 or 2 A.M.[fishin]
Long line a lindy rig and worm in 9 to 12 feet. Float and spins work good. Bright colors. The water should be pretty clear so stay light and get it back 75 feet or so. About .3 MPH. If that doesnt get a fish try Raps in eight or ten feet around the weeds. Just south of the big tower.
Thanks everyone.
Steve o, i won't be there until thursday night.
Sorry to let you all down but DC screwed me again. Fished from 9 pm to just a tad before midnight last thursday. Used bbouncers w/crawler, jigs, and Wally Divers without even so much as a twitch. I can catch wallye in UL, Williard, Yuba, Starvie, and Oneida but DC has yet to give me even one small eye.
Very frustrating. Good luck everybody.
With the high water you have the weeds to deal with, and you'll find weeds in water starting about 12 feet deep, getting thicker the shallower you go. So you need to find a weedless presentation. Locate fish and mark the location, then anchor and try some slip bobbers in shallow water, keeping the bait right above the weedline.