So I'm afraid to say that I have never fished for Kittys.
I mostly fish for trout in the Eastern Sierras but since I am pretty new to the float tube. I just want to be out on my FC4 as much as possible.
I live in So Cal and fish Corona lakes, which is "supposedly heavily stocked with kittys." I am lost for what type of baits to use for these kittys. I have read that Mackerel and Shrimp work pretty good. Is this the best bait I should use? What type of rigging should I use? I usually do a slider with a 2 foot leader. I usually do night fishing after work 5p-11p. Any help would be appreciated.
[cool][#0000ff]I lived in California (several places) for several years and have fished most of the major reservoirs and rivers in the state that have kitties. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The good news is that almost any ocean bait...shrimp, mackerel, bonito, anchovies, etc...will work for cats. So will plain nightcrawlers. Minnows of all species are effective. But there do seem to be preferences in different waters. You need to learn the differences.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am attaching a PDF file I put together for Utah Anglers to fish catfish in Utah Lake. There are a lot of things about rigging and techniques that you should be able to apply where you fish.[/#0000ff]
I have two poles that are my main cat rods. A medium action 7 foot rod with 15 pound spider wire. And I have a 5 foot ultra light rod and reel with 10 pound braid and 8 pound leader. My son Jacob calls me a catfish "snatcher" when I am using the ultra light. I can feel bites that just can't be felt with my bigger rod.
I tie a swivel to the end of the braid. Then I make a 2 or 3 foot leader out of 10 pound mono and tie another swivel. Then I put a 2/0 or 4/0 gamagatsu (spelling) circle hook strait to the swivel. Nothing between the swivel and hook. If I am drifting a river I use a short piece of 20 pound mono about 6" long tied to a swivel. Then I add enough split shot to get it to the bottom. Most of the time it is only one or two about the size of a pea. I add the split shot to this short 6" piece. If it snags the split shot pulls off.
I use a hunk of trout for cutbait about the size of a silver dollar. Leave a lot of the hook exposed. They are not trout so the hook being in full sight is not a problem.
I read the [#0000ff]PDF file [/#0000ff][#000000]too and the female/male wife is right by me looking at what I'm reading and asked if he can tell bass' sex too. I (we) have always wonder which sex this fish is.....[/#000000]
I'm going to keep that color in mind if we do catch those channel cats......
[cool][#0000ff]First of all...a disclaimer. The writeup was mainly focused on the fish from Utah Lake. The actual colors of catfish from other parts of the country may vary. It will be affected by genetic strain, water clarity and chemistry, food sources, depth of water, etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As far as telling the gender of a bass, that is more difficult. Female bass get bigger than males so in some waters any fish over 3 or 4 pounds is most likely female. Under that size you have to guess. Of course during spawning time the females get large bellies on them and their "vent" becomes swollen and reddened. Males are thinner and if they have been involved in making and protecting a nest they will have torn up tails. But, for most of the year it is difficult for even a biologist to just look at a smaller bass and quickly determine "boy or girl".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, don't let that slow you down in conducting your own research. Keep on fishing, catching and guessing. Who cares if you don't get it right all the time?[/#0000ff]
Well Thanks again you two. I will be testing my catfish skills tomorrow, I have suddenly came down with a "day" flu for some strange reason (cough cough) and cant make it to work tomorrow.
According to the local fish reports, mackerel or shrimp doused with Eagle Claw catfish Gravy is working best.
I will keep ya'll posted on my fishing trip.
Thanks again for the PDF Catfish report. I had no idea about the pectoral spines or spines on catfish in general. Thanks for the warning. I may even tell my Buddy about them...or not!!!!
Well no luck for kittys.
Next weekend will be a whole new attempt.
No worrys man. Next time you will do much better.
You can always pack up the tube and kill the trout
in Eastern Sierras [

BTW- where did you do tubing ?
I was at Corona Lake. It seems its getting harder and harder to find good tubing lakes around So. Cal.
Yes, thats for sure.
Try the Castaic Lagoon for bass. Spring time is the
best of course but summer is good as well.[

I've herd it gets pretty good in spring.
Do they really make you have orange on your tube? is the lagoon for fishing only?
Well, I had 12x12 orange on the back of my tube. Now
I don't have anything on my new toon and I'm ok.
There are no boats with motors allowed. Motor must
be tilt up. Trolling motors only. For the most part its
all about flout tubes and kayaks.
I like the place. Been there many times so I know
some of the "secret" spots.There are many days
that I'm the only one there in the morning (during
the week).
First picture is the lagoon. It is a lot bigger then just
the picture.
Second picture is the orange flag.
hope this helps
It sure did. I really like your pvc set up. Maybe you could send me some pictures of like a "how to" if you don't mind sharing. I have been tinkering around with some ideas but haven't found a set up that I like yet. I want install a sonar and maybe a 3 rod holders.
Well, my rod set up is "custom" made for fly rods. The rod
are low and faned out. Do you fly fish from your tube?
If not TD got some great setups for spin/ casting rods.
Also check some older posts for rod holders. There
are some GRAET ideas[

I am also an addicted flyfisher. I'd love to carry 3 rods fully rigged but last year I broke one when I backed in too close to the shoreline.
I noticed that your rods have spinning guides on them. Do you make your own rods?
God Bless,
[quote smallmouth89]Peter,
I am also an addicted flyfisher. I'd love to carry 3 rods fully rigged but last year I broke one when I backed in too close to the shoreline.
I noticed that your rods have spinning guides on them. Do you make your own rods?
God Bless,
lol, Thank you but no, Im not making my own rods. Thats
how they come. I use Sage and TFO for the most part.
The rod holder I made for my float tube can hold 3 rods
faned out and about 3-4 feet off the water at the tip of the
So, no problem coming in to shore.
On my new toon Im using Scotty holders which are working just fine for now.
Wow TubeDude,
That was an excellent read about catfish in Utah Lake...You wouldn't happen to have any essays like that on any Arizona lakes, would you? Thanks for sharing! Switters
[cool][#0000ff]Sorry, no Arizona writeups. I lived in Arizona over 20 years and fished just about every water with kitties in it though. Send me a PM letting me know where you live and what waters you want to target and I can give you some good pointers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I sure do miss the big flatheads down there. (Catfish...not politicians)[/#0000ff]