Fishing Forum

Full Version: craazyboutbass, Parksville, Spotted Bass, 7/18/ & 7/19/10, Colby
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<br /> After not fishing freshwater for the last week and a half it was time to try and see if we could still catch those Parksville spots like we were a week and a half ago.<br /> Got up there around 4:30 yesterday evening and fished until 8:30. <br /> We put 23 bass in the boat but with only 4 or 5 keeper fish. We caught all the fish on sharp drops using dropshots, fish head spins, and t-rigged worms. All fish were caught in 10-45FT of water. Most came around 15-20FT though. <br /> Colby and I decided to fish again this morning. We got a really late start... didnt get out there until about 10, we stayed til about 1:30.<br /> Did the same stuff that we did yesterday except for fishing a bluff wall at one point. We boated 17 with the best one being about 16 inches and everything else going 12-15".<br /> Water temps were about 86F yesterday afternoon and this morning it was anywhere between 83-85F.<br /> We are catching numbers of small spots but I think we will see bigger ones out if the water can get back into the high 80s and into the low 90s. If not we'll be seeing the bigguns in the Fall.