My brother in law offered to take us camping for a day down at Yuba. I'm not to fond of staying at the state parks but figured the kids would enjoy themselves. I walked down to the lake early in the morning and casted a big Mepps spinner out into the water. On my first cast I got this 33" pike. It put up a great fight! Like nothing I've ever caught before.
[quote Salm0trutta]
On my first cast I got this 33" pike.
Wow, are you that lucky at everything you do?[
] Congrats on your first pike.
No, I get skunked more often than not... Do they always have that red tint to them?
Like a lot of women,, pike only show a red flush while their ticked off at some certain fisherman [
Congrats on your first toothy critter..
Being at the right place at the right time pays off dont it! Congrats on the catch.
Congrats on the big fish!