I ran into a guy a few months ago on the river. We started talking and he ended up giving me a couple of flies he ties himself. they worked really well. After tons of research i'm pretty sure they were a Hemingway caddis. So i ordered a few online and again they worked great. BUT.... they are very fragile and are usually trashed after 4 or 5 fish. can anyone recommend anything similar that might be more durable? its the delicate little wing that just gets shreded.
That's why flies are just a couple bucks. It makes the economy go 'round.
OR, learn to tie, it can be cheaper (sometimes).
Elk hair caddis will work also, but you'll get about the same longevity. Chewed up flies are just part of the game. It seems the rattier looking the fly, the more the fish takes it.
Here's a site that sell foam body caddis, but it's still got a hair wing.
Try spraying a tiny bit of Krylon Workable Fixatif on the wing of the fly. It will help keep the wing in together longer, but not permanantly. That is a delicate fly, for flat water, and delicate presentations.
If you want a pattern equally (or even better in my experience) effective for the same applications, look for a caddis with a CDC wing. CDC will las longer than the mallard quill or turkey quills used on similar patterns, and all you need to do is dry it to keep it floating.
I carry only elk hairs and CDC patterns now. No more quill wings.
I love the Wet Coachman fly with the same Duck wing and as you stated they get trashed.
I started putting a very thin coat of Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails clear polish on the duck feather before I tie...this has worked quite well.
Thanks for all the tips! All of them were very helpful. Im getting addicted to dries.... tons more action!!! ive also been having a great time with poppers Mantua.