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Was supposed to go move the trail cam today and do a little more scouting for the archery hunt. Instead my brother and boy went with extended family to play on some wave runners and I got to stay home. Lucky me. Last weeks spot was a total bust but the week before we at least found something that liked to pass by twice a day. This will be my sons first year deer hunting and he called dibs as soon as he saw the pictures. We told him if it was still there by the Muzzy hunt it was all his. I don’t think he has much to worry about.
good luck on that first deer hunt. exciting..

ME and one brother drew general Southeastern tags.

But my other brother drew Books. only 2 points. guess we'll camp by the interstate. he can hunt north, we'll hunt south.

Actaully I'll eat my tag to help him shoot a brute...
That'll make a good first buck. He was still knobby enough that he'll be a little forked horn by the hunt.
Here are a couple of elk.
That's some cool elk shots
Should be a nice bull if you have a tag for him.