I remember reading a post a while back about who was and was NOT avid water foul hunters in this state. My qustion is.....how many of of us are putting in for the swan hunt this year. and where does everyone go to get them. I got my last one at bear river bird refuge. about 4 years back. havent even drawn out since then.
Had a great mount of him to untill I left my dog inside one day and he decided to retreive the biggest damn bird he ever saw :} then I lost the dog 3 or 4 monthes later. :{
anyways yea, Would love the insight and thought we could all make some new bird hunting buddies to.
i love to hunt waterfowl, we should hook up this fall. i havn't drawn for a swan for two years i took my last one at farmington bay but i have taken several at bear river.
Just let me know fishnpro. I will hunt with just about anyone...cept them guys that sit sit on the pond and drink a six pack for every shell they shoot.
I have yet to hunt waterfowl as an adult. Went a few times as a kid. My main concerns are learning the who's what's and when's (as with everything). I would love to go out waterfowl hunting, even just to watch and learn. I do however hunt upland and small game as often as I can so I do understand a few of the rules [

OEJ, any friend of Polo's is a friend of mine, course anybody here is a friend of mine.
I would love to going hunting with you sometime. Maby even take the boat out on the west side of utah lake and do some fishing while we are at it.
If you are interested in getting a swan permit I suggest hitting either gorts or the dwr office and get it in the mail by tonight or tommorow to be safe. It has to be in the dwr po box by 5opm aug 18.
as for upland care to share some spots for phesant and and dove. cant find any good spots for them.
Fishing and waterfowl hunting? Sounds like a dream... I am not sure about good dove hunting spots however pheasant I usually hunt in the Uinta basin/Vernal area and North of the Great Salt Lake. Swan would be fun however I have absolutely no clue how to hunt those and I feel it would be a terrible waste to buy a permit and not know how to use it. i would like to tag along with some one to setup decoy (if you do that with swan) and just learn how to. I also want to give goose hunting a try... So many hobbies, so little time...
well OEJ, you spend the 10 for the swan app and the stamp fee. and if you draw out I will take you to the swan and show you how to get them. you just have to be a decent shot and be able to go at least once a week though nov. I promise they are easier than you would think my friend.
Hey FFM if you want to travel a little for phesant and dove there are hoards of phesants down around mona a little town between nephi and santiquin i used to live there and now when i go to visit and go for a wheeler ride it isnt uncommon to see 5 or more ringnecks on the southeast end of town. the only drawback to hunting there is that it is a 3 day hunt for both the doves and phesants there are quite a few daves on the west side of town but not as plentiful as the phesants.
Hey Fish4fish, do you still need a permit to hunt in Mona. If so do you know where to get them and how much they are??
Thanks for the info. I might have to make a weekend trip for the Phesant's. Dove are just fun to hunt cause there so fast. not much meat to them though.
Do you hunt them at all F4F?
Is there any public land (or non-posted private land) available to hunt down there? The problem I find is trying to find pheasant hunting land that I can actually go on.
Hey guys,
I have a question for you. Do you guys eat the swans you get or are they just for mounting? And if you eat them, are they any good? I have the same question about sandhill cranes. I hunt deer and elk, but I have never hunted waterfowl and so I just don't know much about that stuff. Sounds fun to do but my wife is picky about what kind of dead things I bring home for dinner. She is really down on ducks because of past experience with them. I myself don't know, I've never had wild duck. I have tasted wild goose. It was okay but my mother was not sure how to cook it. My wife won't eat a cute little bunny either so rabbit hunting is out. Anyway, I was just curious as to whether hunting water fowl is for me.
I cant stand duck but I do know people that love it so I can still hunt them and give them to people. I have had swan and it tastes like goose and I dont mind goose. I am getting mine this year for a mount though. and I would like to get a nice goose for the wall this year
are swans pests, or do they need to be thinned out? Never thought of a swan as a gamebird . . .
I wouldent call them pest...next to a goose I think they are the prettiest bird in north america. The reason I am trying so hard to get one again is cause our good PETA tree hugging friends are trying ( and are very close) to makeing swan hunting no more in utah. Its is one of the most traveld pathes in north america to the south and they are freeking out about it saying that with the 2500 permits utah gives out and along with whatever other sates do there numbers are dropping to drasticlly.... Soory for the long wind but thats just what I know of the situation
there is a trick for doves around here. thats hunt them out of season. haha just kidding. almost every year the week before the dove hunt opens we have a cold snap and send the doves running south. if there isnt a cold snap try up by snowville almost anywhere up in the fields. get permission to hunt though alot of private. i have had unbelievable days out i nthe west desert by skull valley vernon and the lakeshore mountains. well all over out there i have had good days over the years. hope this helps
Just thought I'd add this. The main problem is accidental killing of Trumpeter Swans while hunting Tundra Swans. This is from a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service report 28Jan2003.
I shot mine last year at the Bear River Refuge, unit 4.
The population of trumpeter swans in North America has grown from less than 4,000 birds in 1968 to nearly 24,000 birds in 2000. This represents an average annual growth rate of 5.9 percent. The Rocky Mountain population of trumpeter swans, which includes the tri-state birds, increased from approximately 800 birds in 1968 to more than 3,600 in 2000.
The Service was petitioned to list the tri-state flock in August 2000. In October 2000, the petitioners filed suit to halt a legal tundra swan hunt in Utah, Montana and Nevada, arguing that the hunt jeopardized trumpeter swan populations in the area because of the difficulty of distinguishing between the two species under field conditions.
The Service has modified the limited take and restricted hunting seasons on tundra swans in those areas to give added protection to trumpeters. Swan harvests in Utah and Nevada continue to be monitored, with the hunting season immediately closed if the states’ limited quota of trumpeter swans is reached.
The Service allowed these hunts to continue after evaluating population and harvest data during a five-year experimental swan hunt between 1995 and 1999. Despite the killing of approximately 38 trumpeter swans mistaken by hunters for tundra swans over the five-year period, the Rocky Mountain population of trumpeter swans grew by an average of six percent per year during that period, suggesting that the limited hunt did not have a significant impact on the population.
i hunt swans out at harold crain just west of willard bay i got one banded goose and a swan out there and a few ducks got in my way out there to i also ate my swan it was a juvinille my wife said it had no tased i thougt it was ok lets go after ducks between fishing trips (wando)
Hey ffm, kidsnme, and catman. you do have to buy a permit but they are sold right there in town there is alot of public land and unmarked private land. im not sure of the dates right now but tomorrow me and my gf are going to head up there and go on a 4wheeler ride on the best 4wheeler trail in the state (just my opinion) i will take a look around and see if i cant see some more phesants and i will get the dates of the hunts.
Thanks F4F. Wando did the young swan have really tender meat? I heard that the young ones meat is really really soft.
Now does anyone want to let me in on a good place for decent sized swans? I usely bear river but have been hard pressed for geese the past couple years. anyone know a good place they wouldent mind sharing ( or showing ) ?
and now that I got my app in the mail....I am counting the days till opener....c'mon snow and rain.
