07-23-2010, 11:10 PM
Took the wife fishing at newton tuesday night (fishing from shore), and had absolutely no luck. Not sure if it was because of the activities of the overrepresented power squad which kept churning the water, or just bad luck. The weather conditions were right (evening, so not too hot). I seem to have lousy luck at Newton during spring and summer months and have the most success during fall. I remember a bfter telling me that perch have feeding cycles that tend to fluctuate so i'm wondering if that's what I keep seeing. I went and fished Mantua the very next night. I have decided that mantua is a lake that I have much more success at. I have a theory that there are alot more nutrients and vegetation in Mantua than newton (I guess another big factor is that there aren't huge muskies patrolling the shoreline either). Anyways I had a great time catching bluegills and bass. On a sidenote I have yet to catch some perch out of mantua. it seems I would always catch a few perch whenever I went there last year. I hope this is helpful to all you cache valley anglers wondering where to fish, and if anyone can give me more insight into why newton is such a tough lake at times, i'd appreciate it.