Fishing Forum

Full Version: MadBomber, RiverPark, bass, 7-23-10, Neighbor Hal
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I asked His Fatness to go with me this AM early but he has pulled up lame and begged off. Thank Goodness for Neighbor Hal. He agreed to fill in. We launched about 7:30 and fished until 10:00. We went up to the Dam to try for some schoolers. They were there but uncooperative for us Hal did get his bass on a Model A bomber. We then went Downtown and hit Veteran's Bridge. Got a hit or two there then went on down to the Bend to finish up. We didn't have much time and miles to fish so I kept the trolling motor on and we fished almost from Chattanooga Creek to Lookout Creek. Finished up with 15 total hookups with all but 2 making it into the boat. A nice breeze kept it bearable as it was starting to heat up pretty quick. I pity the fools that tried to fish all day today!!