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Full Version: Fly Fishing Stories - - jmalmin
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I just wanted to share my blog. It is mostly short stories about fly-fishing. Hope you enjoy.
I hope you enjoy my story too,plus this was recently,I have an old white river fly rod donated by 65year old Franky with my buddies grandfather metal reel,I made my own fly and caught my second lukinani in my lake, a juvenile hanging around a beach,she nearly got the fly a couple of times,you know what they say,if they show interest strip fast,then faster,then 5 times faster than the first 2,anyway I got her to chase my fly up to the sand,I hooked her literaly an inch from the bank,.I just pulled her out of the water green,let her go before she new what hit her. My funniest catch on fly.The first Lukinani I ever hooked was on a popping bug with a pinched barb,she shook off at the boat on second jump,she was a good 3 lber.I had a good rush from that,with some mixed feelings,
Cool. Keep em coming. Thanks for sharing.
