Fished both sides of Lucus Point today. Boy was it HOT!
Started at 8:30, the drive in is very rough and my trailer and toon were bouncin.[:/] I had lengthened my rope on my fish basket and it was hanging off the end of the trailer (I carry it hook on under the toon on the trailer). I caught a glimps of it bouncing and thanky ou Lord it had only scuffed up the float.
The water temp was as high as 75 in some spots and the green slime was there, bummer[frown]
But right off on the north side I had action. Caught a nice trout on a crawdad plug trolling as Ron had suggested, but that was all on it so I must be getting up to the speed he felt was needed.
Caught a few small bass on TD ultra minnows, but snaged and lost 3 off them, can't be doing that
anymore[mad] especially since 1 walleye was on one the other was on a worm harness behind a bottom bouncer.
It was slow on the catchin but came home with 1 perch and 2 eyes and landed maybe 8 small bass.[

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Love my new battery went 7 hrs and was only 25% down on charge.[cool]
Boy is that road rough[pirate][fishin]
Bonus with this nice antelope
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Have a great week.
Sounds like a fun time! I'll have to find a time to make it over for some walleye fishing
Thanks for the report. Walleye are one of those fish that I still have on my bucket list. I need to take the time to give them a try.
Michael, did you stay in about 8 to 10 feet of water? did you use a piece of split shot about the size of a pea to sink it to the bottom and could you feel it bounce? And last was the color right? I was trolling at 1.1 to 1.3 MPH on friday. I think anything much faster will turn off the eyes and turn on the trout especially if the plug is not deep enough and the water depth is too deep. Ron
Yes I usually always work the 8-10" water. To start with I was casting the plug in and working it out like I do when I am working a perch pattern. When I did troll it I had on a 1/2 oz bottom boucer with atleast 3' of leader, might have been to light cause I either got a hit or a big snag cause and lost the plug. THe color was light brown with an orange belly and was the mini.
I was in 1 which is the slowest I can go other than kickin which I do off and on.
Where is Lucus point? When I fished there Saturday my best luck was 15 feet of water at 10mph. Hooked 15 walleye, 2 LARGE perch and a dozen bass
Straight across from Grey's Landing. Nice job on the eyes where were you fishin?
I was using the dark one with the red belly. I never got a hit on the light brown or the medium sized one with the dark top and red belly.
I use braded line. So I have a swivel at the end of the braid, then I have a 3 foot leader. Another swivel at the end of the mono and I hook the swivel to the plug. I add the weight to the loop in the mono at the swivel that is at the braid. If I am snagging the split shot I use a dropper piece of mono about 4" long and clamp the mono to it. That way if the shot get hung up it pulls off the mono.
Friday I had a small dark and red craw on the ultra light. I tried everything on the other rod. Crawler harness, medium craw plug, small bass looking plug. I tried a couple of perch repalas, and a couple of jigs. I never got a bite on that rod. The ultra light was busey most of the time.
You NEED a GPS. Speed changes so much. If the wind is blowing the same way you are going 1 might be good. If your heading into the wind you might need 3 or 4.
When I was trolling if I got to 1 to 1.3 MPH and if I could feel the plug bumping bottom once and a while I was fishing just right. I also like to have the plug about 60 feet or maybe more behind me. If I am doing everything else right I let line out to go farther behind. If that doesn't work I pull the rod a little to make the plug go faster. Then I give it slack to make it stop for just a second. I got several bites as I kicked the motor out of gear. Sometimes changing up the speed helps. You NEED to know how fast your going. A cheep GPS would cost very little but do a TON of good. Also you can mark where you get bites to stay on active fish. Ron
Scott are you sure you were gooing 10 MPH? That is SMOKIN fast.
Not 10mph! 1.0 mph, from Norton Bay to Goose Island on the west shore. Caught my biggest one on a blue back ShadRap with an orange belly
Yes a GPS would be great or anything that I could use to judge my speed maybe the 565 has a speed addon. But right now I am thankfull I got a new battery and it went 7 hrs and had power to spare[cool]. So I have an idea[

] Lets go fishin and you set the speed and I'll follow you and maybe I will get the feel of what 1-1.3mph feels like untill I can get tha GPS cause I do know it is important. So when are we going fishin?[sly]
I spot the buck antelope for you already[laugh] I will get some other colors in the plug since I lost the one. I like how you rig up, I use P-line for my main line. On you swivel to plug hookup I assume you mean the swivle with the snap?
I am thinking it was a fish that stole my plug and not a snag, but that's probably just a fish story[:p]
Thanks Ron for you help and advice, hope I can return the favor sometime.
Well I just looked up the speed addon and it list speed from 2- whatever, so I guess that is not the way to go especially at $53 and there is a possibility of finding a GPS for around that price.
Was Norton full of campers or did you have good access to the water to put in? I am uncomfortable when I feel like I am crouding people. Or did you even put in there? Where were you when that wind storm went through?
I appreciate the antelope but it is in the wrong area.
Yep your right a swivel with a snap.
Fishin with your would be great. I am only open right now on Fridays, and they are getting iffy right now.
On this trip I had my boat not my toon so I put in at Grey's.
There were campers everywhere Saturday and those darn jet skis and water skiers were making it tough to troll close to shore with the waves
On Fridays it would only be evening fishing which I have been doing so I can spend some time with the wife yardsaleing and the like.
Fished Salmon Falls today south of goose island in 8 to 10 ft. caught one walleye 22" first thing in the early AM. Had a few other strikes but missed them. Left about 11 to beat the heat.
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I was going to go to SFCR today. I ended up in Milner ( aka the dead sea ) I got a few tiny bass and I hooked up with a medium sized cat and lost it. In all it was a poor Fish on friday. Ron
Sorry about your day Ron, but you have been hot for a while now, it's time you cooled down[

Don 1 22" walleye is a good catch and meal thanks for the report.[cool]
I hope to go out tommorro to SFCR and see what happens not sure where I will put in at [crazy]
Thanks for the report. Were you bottom bouncing?
Yes...1 oz BB spinner with fire tiger blade and night crawler