Hello all,
I been watching all these big stripers getting posted up and am thinking about going out and chasing a few. I fished Mead from shore with some luck and used an inflatable pontoon boat that I usually use for trout fishing. So I am looking for something a little bigger. Actually a center console from 17 to 20ft. The only thing I am really hung up on is HP. I was wondering if anyone has similar skiffs and what the hp is and what type of performance you are getting. I would also like your opinion on your boat. I really will not be getting an i/o. Thanks for your assist. Hopefully I can get in on a tourney before the year is out. Thanks again.
I like the smaller 16-20 center console boats. They usually have a deeper hull than a tri-hull or flat bottom.bass boat. Lake Mead can get a bit choppy and it will make for a more comfortable and dryer ride[

] I would get an 80-90 hp outboard at least. Of course, you can always go bigger.
Thanks Vkid. it sounds like its better to have it and not need it then it is to need it and not have it.
Hello Agent,
Welcome to the boards, you will find alot of great info here on this site. Seems to be one of the more active sites I've found for the Lake Mead area.
I noticed your looking for a boat, I have a buddy that is selling what you might be looking for.
[url "http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/boa/1861760772.html"]http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/boa/1861760772.html[/url]
He is an avid fisherman that knows how to set up a boat for some serious fishing. I myself have been fishing on this boat and it's great. He is only selling it due to family growing and he needs something bigger.
Hopefully this helps you on your search for a boat. If you need anymore info feel free to contact me.
looks like its gone link no work
Here it is again, he keeps re-posting it and I guess he has to delete the old one before craigslist will let him re-post it. Sorry about that.
[url "http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/boa/1869042536.html"]http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/boa/1869042536.html[/url]
does anyone know if they are planning to ban the 2 strokes from the lake?
I have not heard that
The ban is not for a few years 2012 or 2013. It seems as if they will not 2 strokes that are direct injection.
Here's what we use at Mead, this is a Valco Bayrunner Baja 21' with a Honda 90 HP, it tows like a dream, handles all the weather Mead can dish out for the most part, the Honda outboard sips gas, top speed 30MPH on GPS with 2 aboard.
I could use more speed on the lake but when running to the Channel Islands and coastal ocean fishing 30 is plenty fast for this light hull. although it is rated for 150... and 8 persons, 4 is max for fishing.
[inline Melissamarie.jpeg]
when I lived in San Diego my friend had the same boat. those are fishing machines. I still remember the stealth missions spanking the WSB or the off shore banks. that is sort of what I was thinking about size and power wise. thanks for the speed report. I am used to coastal/ offshore fishing the inshore stuff is still new but I hear the "Pond" gets pretty nasty. 30mph is pretty fast if you run that all the time without getting pounded?
Your right, this boat pounds!, 30 mph is on flat days, or pulling the tube for the kids, also if you have spent any time offshore in a bayrunner you know it's wet, when fishing offshore I'm in full slicker gear, but it's all about compromises, I live here now, towing it to the coast is easy cause it's light, but running in weather from Santa Cruz Island downhill to the coast can get pretty hairy.
Running back to the west from Ventura or points east in the afternoon is not recommended in winds over 20kts.
but again compromise, I have only been chased off mead once from weather, that was 30+ gusts during summer thunderstorms, only a fool would have stayed out in those conditions and I watched several boats with less freeboard get swamped at the ramp that day.
I'd much rather be in a Radon or Anderson if I was fishing back home all the time, but towing a boat that heavy back and forth would kill me. so I picked the light weight, and I pick my days to fish offshore.
I've had this boat to the albacore grounds off Central Cal every season since 2000, up to 120 miles off Morro, and out to the Tanner on 1 occasion but only on the most perfect days, 5 -15MPH winds and forecast to decrease. other than that, I stay on the beach, or ride the sportboats.
haha almost forgot about the full slickers and xtra tough boots. So since you moved here whats up with these big monstro striped bass that are supposed to be swimming in here. I dont ever see any consistent reports of these guys being landed. is mojave a better place for fishing. light small and cheap to run are my requirements. hopefully by the end of the month. at powell it seems like hotter is better. is it the same timing on this side?
The big ones are below the dam at willow beach, mile 52 area seems to have good numbers of bigger fish at certain times of the year. check the AC Plugs page: [url "http://www.acplugs.com"]http://www.acplugs.com[/url] their forum had some good tips from Allan Cole, he's the master of the big Colorado river stripers I've gotten to the best boils fishing surface iron during late summer early fall but seems like every year is different here. I'm still trying to dial it in.
thanks for the dope but do u mean surface iron like a tady 45
Smaller, like a A1, or A2 or even a 1 oz Kastmaster, I like white, or chrome, and I fish them like I would a tuna foamer., the boils don't last long but sometimes you can keep them around with chum.
I've thrown the 45 many times at mead but got no interest, I suspect they are used to keying on a smaller bait.