I fished trial lake from 530pm to 8pm. It took me alittle while to figure it out but I finally caught some. I caught 1 albino on power bait and 2 tiger trout on a spinnerblade and fly. It was fun to get into the uintas. It had been a while.
That is one demonic looking trout! LOL Kinda like man play Deity!
Nice report!
That was the first aldino that I've ever caught. It was fun. The entire trip to the uintas was fun.
Brings back memories. Several years ago my wife and I took the Portabote up to Trial. I'd gotten tired of her using power bait, so I got her an ultralite outfit and taught her to cast.
First cast she had a fish on. Unfortunately it was an albino and she started yelling about catching a "devil fish" and afterward told everyone that she had caught "a defective fish". She used that as an excuse to give up fishing, but now that we are both retired she has agreed to fish again.