so a buddy of mine just sent this to me via Facebook and after i got the real story out of him i have figure dumb luck is the best fishing lure EVER. he was fishing at Deer Creek with another friend when he landed the NICE CARP he gets it close to the boat after a heck of a fight and he is trying to cut the line to let the carp go until my other friend looked over the boat and seen what it was he then ripped the pole out of his hand and brought it in the boat and told him he had a rare treasure haha just thought i would share it with everyone! 10# 29" damn nice EYE
Apparently he hasn't seen many carp (LOL). As TubeDude has stated on here, "More walleye are caught by accident while people are fishing for other species than when they intentionally fish for walleye." (If not a exact quote it is close enuf and I'm sure that Pat will correct me.) He looks proud enough after someone clued him in.[
That is one FAT Walleye! They must be eating pretty well this season.
Looking at the tape It looks like that fish would go 27 inches. That would put the eye at 7 to 8 pounds. Probably more toward the 8 pound range considering the girth.
Still a very nice walleye.
I agree, not a 29" l0# walleye.
Here's a picture of my son with a 12#, 33 1/2 in walleye we got at Boysen a couple of weeks ago night fishing.
once again i am just going off of the info that was givin to me!!! so it could have been 8 or 12# i dont freakin know for sure it could have been 5 inchs or 35 i posted it for a friend of mine. you guys are a bunch of DOWNERS for sure
Thanks for sharing, that is a nice walleye.
I don't get where some people get off ... They think they can weigh and measure a fish by a picture.
Sadly, the only real way to measure length or weight is with a scale and tape measure. But of course everyone and their dog has to jump in and weigh and measure it themselves just by looking at it.
Great story and nice fish. Talking to a dad while helping some scouts learn to fish we both made the comment that there is always one in the group that does everything wrong but still seems to catch the big fish.
Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers. Just an opinion guys based on
weighing and measuring walleye's at tournaments for the last 15 years.
According to the pic and tape that eye will go about 27 inches.
No way will a 27 inch walleye go 10 # even during the spawn.
Like I said. "Still a very nice eye" And congrates!!
[left]I wasn't trying to ruffle any either Crankem. I trust your judgement.
7-10lbs+, 25-30"+ all are good fish.
Unless my tape measure is lying it was 33 1/2. I didn't certify the scale but it said 12#. Not good enough?
My wife has a 35 1/2 in. walleye on the wall. Caught at Salmon Falls dam on the Idaho Classic tourney in 2008.
The fishs weight was 12.87 # but according to the state F&G and bioligist it should have weighed about 16 # or better. The fish was very skinny.
I've put in over 40 days on Boysen this year and the wife and I have caught 5 eyes 30 in. and over.
All the bigger fish going from 29 in. to 31 in. seem to be on the thin side. We didn't weigh any of them, just took measurments.
I would guess that your fish should have gone 14 or better if it would have been fed up.
Great fish and congrates. Those eyes 30 in. and over get my old heart pounding [
Was your friend fishing particularly for walleyes when he caught this one? The story might have been better if he had actually cut the line as the friend was racing over to identify it.