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Haven't been [#000000]catfishing[/#000000] in a while. Thinking about going to Utah Lake. Anyone had any good catfishing trips lately? Which parts of utah lake or any other lakes/ponds worth trying out?....

Recommended [#ff4040]times[/#ff4040]? [#ff4040]baits[/#ff4040]? [#ff4040]techniques[/#ff4040]?

(I usually use worms, or chicken livers)
[cool][#0000ff]Hard to avoid catching kitties on UL right now. They are all over the lake...from shallow to deep. But, of course you will do better in some places than others. And you don't need to fish at night. Plenty of good cattin' during "civilized" hours.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Best results are in areas where there are lots of inshore reeds for the cats to hunt and hang out in. Fish near the greenery with a couple of feet of line under a bobber. Use nightcrawlers, white bass meat, carp meat or minnows for best results. The cats will hit liver, shrimp and lots of other baits but they seem to hit "natural" food items better.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You didn't mention whether or not you will be fishing from shore, a boat or a tube or toon. That can influence your choice of spots to fish...and the way you fish for them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here are a few words and pictures to review before your next trip.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Oh yeah. Welcome aboard.[/#0000ff]
I have a couple threads on here reporting recent trips. Need to know if you will be fishing from a boat or from the shore? We have caught them under a bobber and just casting the bait out weightless and weightless has resulted in a few more fish and also increases the percentage of hookups. The time of day doesn't seem to matter. They were biting when we got there at 7:00 AM and when we left around 1:00 PM on both trips. We were fishing in a boat and in water under 3 feet deep. Right up next to the reeds was the best, but we also caught some casting out into the open water. They have a tendency to head directly into the reeds when they are hooked, which results in some break offs.
I will concur with me ol' buddy..

My back yard has been producing lots of cookie cut hen kitties with a big male in the mix now and then. I'm normally a cut bait (fresh fish meat) fisherman for channel cats but over the past couple 3 weeks I've found that shrimp or crawlers are the top producers. The cats are close to shore in 18" - 3' of water in the early hours and move out once the heat of the day sets in..
Good luck..
I don't know if you ever get up north but there are a lot of good places along the bear river both on the cache valley and box elder side. I usually like fishing for cats in early morning and late evening this time of year, just don't forget the bug spray. If your fishin the rivers, oxbows in the rivers are always a good place to start, or any place with a good deep water. You'll need a heavy weight if your on the river due to the strong current. The cutlar marsh is where I spend most of my time though. I like to run a slip sinker rig and fish flats near deeper water with lots of bank cover like cattails, cement blocks, car bodies or submerged timber. Worms are always a good bet, but the problem with worms is that all fish will eat them. I like to use baits that will target only cats. Usually some type of fresh, emphasis on fresh, cut baits and minnows if you can get some. Dip baits also work really well also in that area. I would leave the chicken livers home though, I've used them in the past and though they are effective, they tear off the hook to easily when bitten. You could try putting them in nylons but youll run the risk of setting the hook in the nylon instead of the fish 9 times out of 10. I think two poles is a must as well. Rig one with worm and the other with cut bait or whatever you decide to use. Hope this helps and welcome to BFT!
Thanks for the replys everyone. I'll give you a report soon. Just wondering if your aloud to use chub meat from a different lake for bait. We went to Scofield and caught tons of chub for bait.
[quote fisherWOMAN01]

Just wondering if your aloud to use chub meat from a different lake for bait. We went to Scofield and caught tons of chub for bait.


Yes you can. It is a good idea to freeze them for a couple days before doing so. This will make sure to kill anything that might otherwise be transplanted from one body of water to another.
Ok thought so, and we did freeze them. All ready to go for our next trip! Thanks