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Full Version: Alaska Day 3
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Today Jacob got Only about 7 fish he kind of lost track he said. He got two halibut One was over 100 pounds, and the other was around 40 pounds. He was so jacked up he was talking a mile a minute. A few rock fish, some Black bass, and Those two halibut. My 88 year old Uncle had hooked up with a good sized Hailbut and Jacob was reeling in fast to get out of his way. That is when the Big Halibut took Jacobs jig. He said line was screaming off the reel. When they hoisted it on board he was it shock and shaking like he had buck fever.
He is having the time of his life. Ron
What a trip!!
I've caught 100lb halibut and my back hurts just thinking about it. However, I would still do it again.[cool]

You are completely torturing me with these tales! Keep it up, maybe it'll get me moving faster on getting back up there![fishin]
[Wink]Sounds awesome, I'm definitely jealous okay. Alaska is my most favorite place to be and the fishing is out of this world not to mention the scenery. Good on you and hope your time goes really slow for you up there, enjoy.[cool]