08-07-2010, 09:00 AM
DLancas and I took my bay boat down to FL last weekend and had a great time limiting out on tasty tripletail. These are some of the best-tasting and hardest-fighting fish I have ever caught. The water laid down enough Sunday to take my boat 8 miles out in the Gulf to fish one of our favorite reefs. No smoker kings this trip but we caught a few small Kings casting plugs.<br /><br />We jumped a huge Tarpon last year that really made for a memorable event so we decided to put in the time to target them again this trip using pogies we netted off the beach.<br /><br />On Monday we took Nikie out for a quick trip to catch some sharks on light tackle with a small treble hook. We had a large baitrunner tarpon rod out along with the light tackle treble hook for any sharks. The 60-70lb tarpon we were lucky enough to hook this trip decided to hit the light-tackle rod. After a couple huge jumps it nearly spooled us, ripping out 200 yards in a few seconds. We got the anchor in quickly and chased it down. <br /><br />After 40 minutes we had the tarpon boatside for a few nice shots before it eventually wore through the line and broke-off. That was a disappointment, but we got the fight out of it that we were looking for. We also got a few decent shots on video. It was an incredible experience on light tackle I will never forget - I cannot wait to get back!<br /><br />Tarpon video – along with some other compiled sights from this trip:<br />http://www.vimeo.com/13879579<br /><br /><br />Shark Frenzy video from my previous trip:<br />http://www.vimeo.com/13076624<br /><br />