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Full Version: The one that got away on my BASS rod.....
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Hi everyone!


I haven't been fishing a lot during this heat wave in the mid south but today I decided to go cat fishing at my favorite spot on the river at payneway, AR. a spot we call : Little Dam.

I rigged up my Big Cat pole (Berkley BigGame 7'6" Medium/Heavy Lancer Lourd, with Tidewater reel and 20lb test line) with a hotdog piece and a stink bait sponge above it, put on some Doc"s Blood Bait and tossed it in the current.

I Rigged up my BASS pole... A (6'2'' Light/Medium Ugly Stik with an AmbasSador 5000c Open face reel and 10lb test line)... Same bait.

Wouldn't you know it. The BASS pole bent double about 20 minutes later and I fought a Huge Blue[:/] cat for about 10 minutes to the bank, It stripped off 50 yards of line at least 3 times.

When I saw it I knew it as easily over 12lb ( I like to under judge weights) but it probably more like 15 to 18lb. Well since I fought it that long I thought it was worn out and reached down to get him and WAM!

He took off like a bat out of hell at break neck speed and that's exactly what happened to my 10lb test line.


I like to go ahead and have two poles in the water but today if I had stuck with my BIG Cat rig only that cat would have found my bait eventually, I had both within 20 yards of each other in a hole near current.

So at least I got some action and got to get very nice Blue Cat to bank and at least get a hand on him before he broke off. Just wish he had hit my other pole, I would be having catfish for dinner tonight!

Keep on fishing anglers! And don't think you can't catch a great cat in the heat of summer. They still have to eat.[fishin]

dam that sucks,

I have a had that happen I use 10 pound cajun and this channel must have been 15 pounds ( I fish urban they don't get big) I tell my little bro to net it and it gets spooked and it run's out and SNAP!! 10 minutes before that my little bro had one snap 14 pound line

I was pissed

something that I do is I use 30 pound line for hooks and 12 or 10 for mine lines

I hope that helps
Yea I'm pretty sure he broke the line where it was freyed from his lashing during the fight, the drag was set to let line go freely almost so it was freyed pretty badly probably.
do you use pre-tied hooks or do you tie them to your main line?
Was your reel ok? I've had that happen. Some reels can't take being on back reel for so long.