08-09-2010, 12:21 AM
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[left]The fishing report has been updated. Here are the top picks and hot spots for this week. To view the water by water reports click the link to the right.
1. While the spectacular striped bass bite at Lake San Antonio on the Central Coast has been just sputtering along this past week, the volume and quality of the fish -- plus a little crystal ball forecasting -- makes this the top pick this week as we head into the new moon next Tuesday. There are simply a lot of six to 12-pound fish and some in the 20 to 25-pound class each week -- even the slower weeks like this one just past. The best action has been on trolled shad-like swim baits or live or frozen shad. The best source for this bite continues to be the FishingNetwork.net forums through guide Bob Caffey (www.troutonly.com). For updates, check the web sites or call the marina at 805-472-2818.
2. Diamond Valley Lake just doesn’t deserve to be left out of the top picks. Its largemouth bass bite has been the most consistent of the summer doldrums -- in fact the action has been good to excellent this past week. Sure, there have been a lot of small fish, but the volume of five and six pounders that no one ever talks about is staggering. There is a surface bite early and late in the day, and then a plastic worm/spinner-jig bite after that down in 15 to 30 feet of water. For an update on the action, call the marina at 951-926-7201 or Last Chance Bait and Tackle at 951-658-7410.
3. If you want a quality bluegill or redear, Lake Perris continues to be the top spot to catch trophy panfish with some of the bigger slabs topping a pound and a lot of half- to three-quarter pounders. As we head into the new moon early next week, this bite should just keep getting better. These bigger fish are all in 20-feet of water or more and the best spot has been off the north and west sides of the island. Full limits have not been uncommon for anglers fishing crickets, meal worms, or wax worms or jigs tipped with one of those baits. For an update on this action, call the marina at 951-657-2179.<! br />
TROUT: Top trout bets in Sierra continue to include Bridgeport Reservoir, Lake Crowley, Silver Lake, Rush Creek, South Lake, Lake Sabrina, and most of the Bishop Creek and Rock Creek drainage streams, which are getting heavily planted each week. Virginia Lakes has also been wide open on fish to two pounds, and the West Walker is very good now. For fly guys, the East Walker River, Bridgeport Reservoir, and Crowley have been the hot spots. At Crowley has more and more fish are working perch minnows in the backs of bays with water inflows. In Southern California, there continues to be good action at just a handful of waters. Top bets are Green Valley Lake, Big Bear Lake, and Lake Hemet but all three are fair at best. Deep-water trollers at Cachuma are still getting quite a few fish, but no one is trolling Diamond Valley for its big, holdover rainbows, our sleeper pick.
BLACK BASS: The largemouth bass action has been generally just fair throughout the region, with a lot of topwater action at first light. There have also been a few flurries of really good bites, but they haven’t been very predictable. Top bets have been Diamond Valley Lake, which never seems to slow down, and Isabella which has been cranking out a lot of fish over four pounds. Other decent bets include Casitas, Castaic, Skinner, Sutherland, Otay, Irvine, Perris, Silverwood, Pyramid and Puddingstone. The smallmouth action on the Colorado River has been very good in the lower river stretches and Topoc Gorge, but slowish in Lake Havasu. Further up on the Central Coast, Santa Margarita has continued tough, but Lopez improved with fair action. The spotted bass are pretty fair in Nacimiento.
STRIPED BASS: Striper bites are generally pretty good everywhere, with Silverwood, Pyramid, Castaic, and Skinner all decent bets. San Antonio Lake is still probably the best fishing for six to 10-pound fish with into the mid-20s each wee! k. The Colorado River saw so little fishing pressure this week, that forecasts are tough. There’s always a chance for a big fish at Willow Beach where a 13-pounder was caught this past week. The California Aqueduct near Taft remains pretty good, too, with a 25-pounder caught there this past Saturday.
PANFISH: Henshaw and Cachuma crappie bites are both still pretty good action and a few 25-fish limits have been reported at Cachuma. Lake Isabella’s crappie bite just won’t seem to go away with fair action for minnow dunkers in deeper water in the Camp Nine region. Redear and bluegill bites are hot just about everywhere -- with Perris, Diamond Valley, Casitas, Lower Otay, Sutherland, and Puddingstone some of the top picks. The tilapia bite at the Salton Sea has remained pretty fair in spite of the triple digit temperatures.
CATFISH: Simply good action just about everywhere. Hesperia Lake, Henshaw, Elsinore, Corona Lake, Santa Ana River Lakes, and Irvine Lake have been the hottest spots in Southern California with a lot of fish landed at all six. Elsinore, Skinner, Silverwood, and Diamond Valley are also good with a lot of cats to eight pounds at these four. Isabella has been fair to good for cats from 1-8 to three pounds, and the California aqueduct near Taft has also been good, too. The channel and flathead action is pretty much wide open along the whole lower Colorado River, especially in the backwaters and irrigation ditches. This is the top bet for a quality fish over 20 pounds and big stringers of channels.
[left]Contact Information: Jim Matthews, Editor and General Manager
[left]P.O. Box 9007, San Bernardino, CA 92427-0007
[left]Office: 909-887-3444 Fax: 909-887-8180 E-mail:[url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1l1Z1h1k1s1n0w1n1c1v1q1h1s1d1q121u1d1q1h1y1n1m0k1m1d1s"]odwriter@verizon.net[/url]
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[left][url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1g1s1s1o0w0l0l1v1v1v0k1n1t1s1c1n1n1q1m1d1v1r1r1d1q1u1h1b1d1h1m1b0k1b1n1l0l1n1c1o1j1f0l1m1d1v1r0l1b1t1q1q1d1m1s0k1g1s1l1k"]Matthews' Outdoor Column[/url]
[left][url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1g1s1s1o0w0l0l1v1v1v0k1n1t1s1c1n1n1q1m1d1v1r1r1d1q1u1h1b1d1h1m1b0k1b1n1l0l1n1c1o1j1f0l1e1h1r1g0l1b1t1q1q1d1m1s0k1g1s1l1k"]Fishing Report[/url]
[left][url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1g1s1s1o0w0l0l1v1v1v0k1n1t1s1c1n1n1q1m1d1v1r1r1d1q1u1h1b1d1h1m1b0k1b1n1l0l1n1c1o1j1f0l1v1Z1s1d1q1e1n1v1k0l1b1t1q1q1d1m1s0k1g1s1l1k"]Waterfowl Report[/url]
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[left]Lead ammo ban affects seven deer zones
[left]Map of lead-free area
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[left]ONS Blogs:
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[left]The fishing report has been updated. Here are the top picks and hot spots for this week. To view the water by water reports click the link to the right.
1. While the spectacular striped bass bite at Lake San Antonio on the Central Coast has been just sputtering along this past week, the volume and quality of the fish -- plus a little crystal ball forecasting -- makes this the top pick this week as we head into the new moon next Tuesday. There are simply a lot of six to 12-pound fish and some in the 20 to 25-pound class each week -- even the slower weeks like this one just past. The best action has been on trolled shad-like swim baits or live or frozen shad. The best source for this bite continues to be the FishingNetwork.net forums through guide Bob Caffey (www.troutonly.com). For updates, check the web sites or call the marina at 805-472-2818.
2. Diamond Valley Lake just doesn’t deserve to be left out of the top picks. Its largemouth bass bite has been the most consistent of the summer doldrums -- in fact the action has been good to excellent this past week. Sure, there have been a lot of small fish, but the volume of five and six pounders that no one ever talks about is staggering. There is a surface bite early and late in the day, and then a plastic worm/spinner-jig bite after that down in 15 to 30 feet of water. For an update on the action, call the marina at 951-926-7201 or Last Chance Bait and Tackle at 951-658-7410.
3. If you want a quality bluegill or redear, Lake Perris continues to be the top spot to catch trophy panfish with some of the bigger slabs topping a pound and a lot of half- to three-quarter pounders. As we head into the new moon early next week, this bite should just keep getting better. These bigger fish are all in 20-feet of water or more and the best spot has been off the north and west sides of the island. Full limits have not been uncommon for anglers fishing crickets, meal worms, or wax worms or jigs tipped with one of those baits. For an update on this action, call the marina at 951-657-2179.<! br />
TROUT: Top trout bets in Sierra continue to include Bridgeport Reservoir, Lake Crowley, Silver Lake, Rush Creek, South Lake, Lake Sabrina, and most of the Bishop Creek and Rock Creek drainage streams, which are getting heavily planted each week. Virginia Lakes has also been wide open on fish to two pounds, and the West Walker is very good now. For fly guys, the East Walker River, Bridgeport Reservoir, and Crowley have been the hot spots. At Crowley has more and more fish are working perch minnows in the backs of bays with water inflows. In Southern California, there continues to be good action at just a handful of waters. Top bets are Green Valley Lake, Big Bear Lake, and Lake Hemet but all three are fair at best. Deep-water trollers at Cachuma are still getting quite a few fish, but no one is trolling Diamond Valley for its big, holdover rainbows, our sleeper pick.
BLACK BASS: The largemouth bass action has been generally just fair throughout the region, with a lot of topwater action at first light. There have also been a few flurries of really good bites, but they haven’t been very predictable. Top bets have been Diamond Valley Lake, which never seems to slow down, and Isabella which has been cranking out a lot of fish over four pounds. Other decent bets include Casitas, Castaic, Skinner, Sutherland, Otay, Irvine, Perris, Silverwood, Pyramid and Puddingstone. The smallmouth action on the Colorado River has been very good in the lower river stretches and Topoc Gorge, but slowish in Lake Havasu. Further up on the Central Coast, Santa Margarita has continued tough, but Lopez improved with fair action. The spotted bass are pretty fair in Nacimiento.
STRIPED BASS: Striper bites are generally pretty good everywhere, with Silverwood, Pyramid, Castaic, and Skinner all decent bets. San Antonio Lake is still probably the best fishing for six to 10-pound fish with into the mid-20s each wee! k. The Colorado River saw so little fishing pressure this week, that forecasts are tough. There’s always a chance for a big fish at Willow Beach where a 13-pounder was caught this past week. The California Aqueduct near Taft remains pretty good, too, with a 25-pounder caught there this past Saturday.
PANFISH: Henshaw and Cachuma crappie bites are both still pretty good action and a few 25-fish limits have been reported at Cachuma. Lake Isabella’s crappie bite just won’t seem to go away with fair action for minnow dunkers in deeper water in the Camp Nine region. Redear and bluegill bites are hot just about everywhere -- with Perris, Diamond Valley, Casitas, Lower Otay, Sutherland, and Puddingstone some of the top picks. The tilapia bite at the Salton Sea has remained pretty fair in spite of the triple digit temperatures.
CATFISH: Simply good action just about everywhere. Hesperia Lake, Henshaw, Elsinore, Corona Lake, Santa Ana River Lakes, and Irvine Lake have been the hottest spots in Southern California with a lot of fish landed at all six. Elsinore, Skinner, Silverwood, and Diamond Valley are also good with a lot of cats to eight pounds at these four. Isabella has been fair to good for cats from 1-8 to three pounds, and the California aqueduct near Taft has also been good, too. The channel and flathead action is pretty much wide open along the whole lower Colorado River, especially in the backwaters and irrigation ditches. This is the top bet for a quality fish over 20 pounds and big stringers of channels.
[left]Contact Information: Jim Matthews, Editor and General Manager
[left]P.O. Box 9007, San Bernardino, CA 92427-0007
[left]Office: 909-887-3444 Fax: 909-887-8180 E-mail:[url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1l1Z1h1k1s1n0w1n1c1v1q1h1s1d1q121u1d1q1h1y1n1m0k1m1d1s"]odwriter@verizon.net[/url]
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[left][url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1g1s1s1o0w0l0l1v1v1v0k1n1t1s1c1n1n1q1m1d1v1r1r1d1q1u1h1b1d1h1m1b0k1b1n1l0l1n1c1o1j1f0l1v1Z1s1d1q1e1n1v1k0l1h1m1c1d1w0k1g1s1l1k"]Archived Waterfowl Report Index[/url]
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[left]Lead ammo ban affects seven deer zones
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[left][url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1g1s1s1o0w0l0l1n1t1s1c1n1n1q1m1d1v1r1r1d1q1u1h1b1d1h1m1b0k1b1n1l0l1a1k1n1f1r0l1o1d1b1j1h1m1f1Z1v1Z1x0l1b1t1q1q1d1m1s0k1g1s1l1k"]Pecking Away: Jim Matthews[/url]
[left][url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1g1s1s1o0w0l0l1n1t1s1c1n1n1q1m1d1v1r1r1d1q1u1h1b1d1h1m1b0k1b1n1l0l1a1k1n1f1r0l1s1g1d1k1n1q1Z1w1r1o1d1Z1j1r0l1b1t1q1q1d1m1s0k1g1s1l1k"]The Lorax Speaks: Anonymous[/url]
[left][url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1g1s1s1o0w0l0l1n1t1s1c1n1n1q1m1d1v1r1r1d1q1u1h1b1d1h1m1b0k1b1n1l0l1a1k1n1f1r0l1a1d1Z1m1r1a1k1n1f0l1b1t1q1q1d1m1s0k1g1s1l1k"]Bean's Blog: Richard Bean[/url]
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[url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1g1s1s1o0w0l0l1n1t1s1c1n1n1q1m1d1v1r1r1d1q1u1h1b1d1h1m1b0k1b1n1l0l1a1h1q1c1r0l1P141B1m1c1d1w0k1g1s1l1k"]Western Birds[/url]
[url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1g1s1s1o0w0l0l1n1t1s1c1n1n1q1m1d1v1r1r1d1q1u1h1b1d1h1m1b0k1b1n1l0l1g1n1f1r0l1g1n1f0b0o0m1h1m1c1d1w0k1g1s1l1k"]California Hog Hunter[/url]
[url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1g1s1s1o0w0l0l1n1t1s1c1n1n1q1m1d1v1r1r1d1q1u1h1b1d1h1m1b0k1b1n1l0l1a1t1b1j1r0l141t1b1j1r0b0o0m1h1m1c1d1w0k1g1s1l"]California Bucks[/url]
[url "http://outdoornewsserviceinc.com/mailing-manager-odn/url/?l=1s1X1h1c0z1m0j0q0x1r1X1h1c0z0o0o0n0m0x1g1s1s1o0w0l0l1n1t1s1c1n1n1q1m1d1v1r1r1d1q1u1h1b1d1h1m1b0k1b1n1l0l1H1G1L0l131c1u1d1q1s1h1r1h1m1f1B1m1e1n0k1g1s1l"]Advertising Information[/url]
[left]About us:
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