Fishing Forum

Full Version: I've Always Loved Squirrels..
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I was fishing the other day and it was a normal. I tossed my line out and mid cast i heard this thump. I looked over to my right and saw something in the grass. I went over to see what it was and a squirrel on the ground. I moved closer to it and it was twitching. The squirrel fell from a 20 ft. tree. I felt helpless and I Sad for this poor squirrel. I kept on fishing, but I kept looking over at the squirrel.. still twitching. I prayed for a quick and painless death for the squirrel, but that probably wasn't the case as the squirrel kept on twitching. As i kept on glancing over I saw another squirrel run down the tree. Low and behold this squirrel was looking for it brother/sister/son/grandma? He picked up the injured squirrel in his mouth and ran up the tree and into in their nest. Crazy how family is important to even squirrels.