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Full Version: went to jordanelle with petty
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Just got back from fishing in jordanelle with petty and my wife. We headed out to the state park on the kamas side of the lake. The fishing was pretty slow, but we managed a couple of smallies and four or five perch that were good sized to eat a couple about 9 inches or so. I am planning on heading back out there on my float tube probably next week. I am also planning on heading out to starvation again to try for the eyes again. It was a fun morning though and i had alot of fun,

Jed Burton
it was a pleasure to fish with you and your wife jed. i just wish the fishing was a little faster we did manage to talk a few samallies to give up mostly by jeds wife
Hey petty and jed,
Thanks for the report. Sorry the fish wasn't so good.
thanks agian petty it was a lot of fun fishing with ya. We will definitely have to go again and next time we won't let my wife hog the smallies.

as long as you two had a good time thats all that matters it was my pleasure taking you out in the boat.