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Full Version: Fishing Report August 14 , 2003
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[font "Arial"][size 2]Northern District :

Dare, Hyde, Currituck, & Beaufort Counties
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[font "Arial"][size 2]Charterboats: There were fair catches of yellowfin tuna and scattered dolphin this week. Several bigeye tuna were taken earlier in the week. Some billfish were also released.

: Fishermen caught plenty of small croakers and pigfish and some scattered small flounder.

Private Boats
: There were scattered bluefish for inshore fishermen. Some sheepshead were caught at bridge pilings. There were plenty of croaker in the Sound.

: Pier fishing picked up this week with lots of small bottom fish, croaker, sea mullet and pinfish. Even some spotted hake were caught which prefer cold water.

: For beach anglers there was plenty of small croaker, scattered sea mullet and small grey trout. Bluefishing has been fair to good at Hatteras Inlet beach when conditions are right. [font "Arial"][size 2]

Central District :

Pamlico, Craven, Carteret, & Onslow Counties

Headboats: This week black Seabass, porgies, grouper, jacks and some snapper were caught.[/size][/font][/size][/font]

[font "Arial"][size 2][font "Arial"][size 2]
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2][font "Arial"][size 2]CharterBoats: Fishing was skinny due to rain and wind and more rain. Fish of the week were billfish and Spanish mackerel. Sailfish were caught and released along with a marlin or two. Boats came in with their limit of Spanish.

Private Boats
: Only the desperate and dedicated were fishing this week in rain that never ceased. Those fishing in the Turning basin caught flounder and sheephead. Those after Spanish had good catches from the Beaufort Inlet, down along the beaches and on Cape Shoals. Many boats were limiting out on Spanish. King mackerel were reported at AR 285 and the rock jetty at the Cape. Fishers in Bogue Sound came in with big pigfish.

: Spanish mackerel up to 1 pound and little tiny sea mullet, croakers, spot and pinfish were caught..

Surf: A 1.5 pound speckled seatrout was caught under the Onslow Beach bridge. Two keeper flounder reported on Camp Lejeune at TLZ Bluebird and some nice sheephead were taken under the White Oak River Bridge. [font "Arial"][size 2]

Southern District

Pender, New Hanover, & Brunswick Counties

: Fishing was a little slow this week due to weather, and water conditions. Gulf stream catches reported some nice groupers, along with an assortment of other bottom fish, amberjacks, and a good amount of king mackerel.

: Not many trips were made this week, due to weather condition. Stream fishing is still hit of miss right now. Full/day charters are catching limits of kings when weather permits, along with some bottom fish, and half/day charters are catching spanish when water condition are right. Inshore, red drum and sheepshead are the best thing going right now, along with a few flounder and trout reported this week.

Private Boats: Did not hear of any boats making it out to the stream this week, but boats king mackerel fishing in the 20 to 30 mile range reported a good number of school size kings along with some cobia, and even a few African pompanos around WR4, the school house, and of course frying pan tower. Inshore, slow flounder fishing through out the area. There were several fish over 10 pounds caught this week out of snow's cut. There hasn't been any good numbers of fish caught this year, but there has been a good number of big fish caught in the carolina beach area. They are still catching some flounder, spadefish, and some large red drum on the reefs off of oak island. They are seeing a few spotted sea trout behind bald head island, and around southport, but most of the fish seem to be staying in the ocean along oak island, as the piers down there are still getting them.

Fishing has been very slow this week with the dirty and cooler water condition we had last week. Topsail piers were very slow this week, they reported some keeper flounder caught, along with a few bottom fish. New Hanover piers reported much the same, with a few puppy drum this week along with a keeper flounder or two. Oak island piers are the only piers that are having any luck this year. They are still getting a good many trout in the early morning hours, along with some keeper flounder, black and red drum, and a few assorted bottom fish.

: Not much to it this week. High surf this week made it difficult to fish, but there were some drum reported along the areas barrier islands, along with some nice size pompanos. [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
wow great report. looks like you covered just about every one but the pocket fishierman [Tongue]