Fishing Forum

Full Version: BFT Blue Horizon New Sponsers Added!!!!!!!!
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Just Added!!!!Barry Brightenburg of FISHTRAP Lures has Donated his New Plastic's for "The
Slide" or Paddy Stops.The New Colors are Hot! Special "PRIZE" For FISH CAUGHT on "FISHTRAP". If unable to get on the BOAT this time, LOOK FOR MORE FUTURE "BFT" Charter's! the Sponser list is growing and growing!Only Brought to you by the FISHING MESSAGE BOARD,THAT WORKS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and joe if you need a ride,got you covered!


Thanks for the good news. FT's on a BFT charter of the Blue Horizon down SD way! Sounds good to me. Know you're busy but sure would appreciate hearing of the trips and success especially those padddy hopping adventures.
