08-28-2010, 09:00 AM
This was a fun, training day. I wanted to show Superbad a little about the dock shooting system and to learn from him about my new locator which I just installed, emoScratch Since he had it before me and offered to teach me how to run it, ( He didn&#39;t know what he had gotten himself into, emoSmile on that one) I took him up on his offer, emoTongue We started out looking under some docks and then at some humps near the river channel which was loaded with fish who weren&#39;t hungry at all, emoAngry but we tried. Then on to some more docks where we met another crappie fisherman, Brian, who isn&#39;t on our forum but said, &quot;Join me here, they are hitting pretty good&quot; so we fished the opposite side of the dock from him, (it&#39;s a big dock!). This is where Superbad got his start at dock shooting for crappie, emoTongue Of course he took to it like a duck to water and in a few minutes was putting that jig under the dock like a pro and catchin&#39; fish. He just needs to remember that he&#39;s fishing for crappie and not bass and don&#39;t take the jig away from them when you set the hook, emoSmile (I know someone else who had that trouble, emoRolleyes )<br />Anyway I&#39;ll let him add his views about the shooting when he posts but I thought he did a great job with a very steep learning curve, emoThumbsup We only caught 12 crappie, 2 spaaatts, a couple &#39;gills and about a 2 lb flathead cat but spent an awful lot of time teaching this ole dog how to read the scanner, emoScratch Superbad is a great teacher so I learned a lot so now I just need practice.<br />Water temp was around 82* but the wind made it a busy day trying to hold the boat and fish too, emoAngry <br />It was fun and looking forward to another trip, Craig you can fish with me anytime you would like, emoThumbsup