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Full Version: Whirl wind tour of the Sawtooth's
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The whole family (12 of us) decided to make a family camping fishing trip to the Sawtooth Mountain. Due to not knowing the area well and the size of the group we had, we decided we need to make a last minute decision on a campsite and the only one we found for that size of group was at Bull Trout Lake (No we did not catch any Bull Trout so lets not go there) in the Boise National Forest. The day after we made the reservation we learn of the fire between Stanley and our campsite. They had at one point closed the road and evacuated the campsite we were going to stay in. None the less we went anyway and had a great time. Our campsite was on Martin Lake which is a small lake just west of Bull Trout Lake.

After we set up our camp we grabbed the fishing poles and headed to the lake. First cast with a fly and a bubble I had my first planter rainbow on. Me and two for my sons ended up catching enough fish for our evening meal of these 8 to 12" bows.

The second morning I got up and again caught two or three fish in the few minutes before breakfast. Then it was off to Stanley to try and call my daughter and her husband before they left home. We would have to wait at the fire area between 10 and 20 minutes before being shuttled through the area with a pilot car. Needless to say we didn't get much done the second day but going to Stanley and helping late arrivals get their camps setup. I went down after dinner and again caught a couple more before dark.

The third day everyone wanted to go to Stanley Lake so we drove over there and spent the afternoon. I did not catch any fish there but my sons caught a few rainbows in the 12 -14" range using Jake's spin-a-lures.

The next day my wife, Daughter-in-law and two grand kid headed for home. The rest stayed and went to Hell Roaring Lake and again caught about the same size of fish are we had at other places. My son had one fish on at this lake that was big but lost it before he got a look at it.

Bottom Line: Great food, good company and some fishing too. We may do it again some day! We didn't take any photos of any of the fish but I will include a couple of the area. One last thing to mention is the wolves and the Babies howled all night the whole time we were there. The camp host said the wolves had killed a cow elk near our campgroud and we heard them every night we were there.
There is a wolf den to the south of Martin Lake somewhere. I don't know exactly where it is, but I know it's close. I've heard wolves every time I've been there and even hunted them there last year. We called some in with a calf in distress, but they came in behind us and were gone before we realized they were there. We did find the tracks and scat though, so we know they were there.

Beautiful place. Thanks for the report.
Thanks for the report. One of the many places in Idaho I have yet to explore.

Glad you had a good time. It is a beautiful area, too bad that the fires caused you problems.

Thanks for sharing your trip with us!
Glad you had a good time, sorry the fires hassled ya.

Guess I managed to miss them myself. Does take a bit to get from one place to another up there, but my - if there ain't a lot to choose from! So many lakes - so little time.

Yeah - them planters are pretty willing to come join the party. Now I'll bet that big'n was a Bull!!! Stubborn 'ol beasts! Didn't hookup any Squaw fish? They can put up a pretty good fight.

Thanks for sharing the story. At least you didn't get blasted by thunderstorms and wicked winds! A little fire - a few marshmallows - it's all good, right?!

Had heard stories (warnings) of wolves passing through the campgrounds at Alturas, though didn't see any while we were there. Even tested the waters with a bag of fish-bits left by the car. (ok, I shoulda walked 'em up to the dumpster.... it was dark-n--late!)

I'll probably go up again next summer, if my kids keep going to the same camp. And by then . . . . I'll (maybe) have a nicer bass-boat to tow up!!!! Ok - slap/reality. Carpetting first. Yes Maaam. (we'll see....)
This was the first camping trip for me to that area. I have driven thru the area before and wanted to get back and do some fishing tho with that many women and kids the fishing was way down the list of priorities. There were lots of other areas we wanted to go to and just flat ran out of time to do much. We did have good weather for the most part and loved the area and hope to go again sometime soon.

The camp host told us that the wolves were very active in the area when the people thin out. He even told the people in a camp a ways from us to not leave their dogs out at night or in the camp alone because the wolves would get them. My wife and daughter heard a wolf a couple of time when they went on a hike at Stanley Lake.

Does anyone know if there are bull trout in Hell Roaring Lake? That may be what my son had on but I don't know if bull trout are in the higher elevation lakes.

Thanks everyone for your responses.
I don't know on the Bull Trout for sure, but Hell Roaring Creek does connect to the Salmon River so I would guess that it is a possibility.

Fish surveys by Fish & Game there have found: Cutts, Brookes, Mt. Whitefish, Rainbows, and even Salmon and Steelhead (seasonally). The surveys don't show everything though!

Might have been the Loch Ness Monster of the Sawtooths!!

Anyway, it is always fun to hook into some of the biggies that we never get to see. Seems like I remember those more than the ones I do get to the net.