Fishing Forum

Full Version: scubajt41, Chick, Chick, 8/29/10
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couldnt sleep before work so i went fishing.. so here i sit at work tired as hell and writing this. got up at 1 am and said to heck with it. loaded boat and headed to lake. spent time near marina (yacht club) and worked bank to main channel. fished spinnerbait whole time. caught a few little ones and one nice one. spinnerbait is an off brand. got it from Hamilton Sport shop on Hwy 58. cost about $6 and MAN DO THEY WORK! i can honestly say i havnt had this much luck with any other spinnerbait!! fished till about 5:30am and went to work. fish were holding near structure which really surprised me. i expected to find them out in open feeding on baitfish but all were caught in brush or like the one below, under a dock.<br /><br /><br />